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History Of WebTV NewsGroups






  1. news:webtv.users

  2. news:alt.discuss.clubs.private.jdvortex

  3. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.misc.wow

  4. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.technical.rick56fla

  5. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.html.help.poorboyinc

  6. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.technical.scorpion-8

  7. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.other.web_nuts

  8. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.html.misc.krissys_fun_escape

  9. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.html.misc.readyteddy

  10. news:alt.discuss.clubs.private.tyhart

  11. news:alt.discuss.clubs.private.tyhart2

  12. news:alt.discuss.canada.rogers-interactive

  13. news:alt.discuss.clubs.private.rbj1957

  14. news:alt.discuss.clubs.announce

  15. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.news.robin-of-lox

  16. news:alt.discuss.activist.fighting-spam

  17. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.other.activist_fighting_spam

  18. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.misc.tag-table-help

  19. news:alt.discuss.webtv

  20. news:alt.discuss.4-webtv

  21. news:alt.discuss.webtv4you

  22. news:alt.discuss.webville

  23. news:alt.discuss.alt.discuss.info

  24. news:alt.online-service.webtv

  25. news:alt.discuss.improve.webtv

  26. news:alt.discuss.webtv.operations

  27. news:alt.discuss.webtvtools

  28. news:alt.discuss.webtvtools.imagemagick

  29. news:alt.discuss.webtvsecrets

  30. news:alt.discuss.test

  31. news:alt.discuss.wtvnews

  32. news:alt.discuss.webtv.instant.messenger

  33. news:alt.discuss.webtv.classic

  34. news:alt.discuss.webtvplus

  35. news:alt.discuss.webtvplus.scanner

  36. news:alt.discuss.vid-caps

  37. news:alt.discuss.webtv.digital.video.email

  38. news:alt.video.ptv.tivo

  39. news:alt.discuss.animated.gifs

  40. news:alt.binaries.pictures.animated.gifs

  41. news:alt.discuss.real-audio

  42. news:alt.discuss.webtv.help.html.realaudio

  43. news:alt.discuss.home.theater

  44. news:alt.discuss.n2play

  45. news:alt.discuss.audioscopes

  46. news:alt.html

  47. news:alt.discuss.html.help.ask

  48. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.html.help.taldol

  49. news:alt.discuss.html.social

  50. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.html.help.poorboyinc

  51. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.html.help.apbh-news

  52. news:alt.discuss.html.beginner

  53. news:alt.discuss.html.walkthrough

  54. news:alt.discuss.html.help

  55. news:alt.discuss.html

  56. news:alt.discuss.webtv.html

  57. news:alt.discuss.html.sig

  58. news:alt.discuss.webtv.signatures

  59. news:alt.discuss.artistic.html

  60. news:alt.discuss.javascript

  61. news:alt.pagebuilder.help

  62. news:alt.discuss.webtv.pagebuilder.html

  63. news:alt.discuss.homepage

  64. news:alt.discuss.homepage.opinions

  65. news:alt.discuss.webpage

  66. news:alt.discuss.webtv.webpages

  67. news:alt.discuss.webtvaddicts

  68. news:alt.discuss.webtvaddicts.cellar.dwellers

  69. news:alt.discuss.webtv.dishplayer

  70. news:alt.dbs.echostar

  71. news:alt.discuss.webtvexplorers

  72. news:alt.discuss.webtv.hacking  **Caution

  73. news:alt.discuss.webtv.hippies

  74. news:alt.discuss.webtvkillaz

  75. news:alt.discuss.webtv.pride

  76. news:alt.discuss.webtv.printerhelp

  77. news:alt.discuss.advanced.technical-webtv

  78. news:alt.discuss.webtv.upgrades

  79. news:alt.discuss.confer

  80. news:alt.discuss.config

  81. news:alt.discuss.computers

  82. news:alt.computers

  83. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.internet.computers.gingerough_m

  84. news:alt.discuss.clubs.announce

  85. news:alt.discuss.announce

  86. news:alt.discuss.config.announce

  87. news:alt.discuss.announce.webtvusers.homepages

  88. news:alt.discuss.trolls

  89. news:alt.discuss.trolls.tdt

  90. news:alt.discuss.trolls.tino

  91. news:alt.discuss.webtv.watchtower

  92. news:alt.discuss.mod.advice

  93. news:alt.discuss.state

  94. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.talk.general.clubs_gossip

  95. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.misc.je-suis

  96. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.talk.friends.witchsroost

  97. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.issues.current-events.puddleduckee

  98. news:alt.discuss.config.newtons

  99. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.misc.the_front_porch

  100. news:alt.discuss.clubs.public.webtv.news.whooops

Miscellaneous NewsGroup Information

These are all clickable links , but to 'GoTo' these newsgroups directly from some other site, (if not saved on a F-key shortcut), press GoTo, erase the http:// and type in the address, (URL), exactly as shown above, (except for the 'Lists' below, which are only links to pages that do not have the same type of WebTV URLs);  Most Lists have URLs that begin with http:// etc., like this page. The 'WebTV' lists can be accessed directly by pressing GoTo, erasing the http:// and typing either; news: or news:alt.discuss and then click on it. Any groups with alt.discuss in it, are restricted to WebTV only access, no PCs. (firewall protected). To see the URL of most pages, just press info; or use GoTo and click on show last, or show current, while on the page in question. To see the URL of a clickable link: (while on the link); press and hold CTRL & CMD together, and look in your (status bar - title bar), at the bottom of your TV screen.
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WebTV's Old NewsGroup Info

WebTV NewsGroup Info & Tutorial

Alternate Discuss NewsGroup Info #1

Alternate Discuss NewsGroup Info #2

Start/Create Your Own NewsGroup #1

Start/Create Your Own NewsGroup #2

Some NewsGroup Building Advice

A Group For NewsGroup Help

Paul Erickson's NewsGroup Info #1

Paul Erickson's NewsGroup Info #1

USENET & Google NewsGroups

    Other Available Lists 1-19 :

  1.  Discussion Group List
  2.  Discussion Group List
  3.  Discussion Group List
  4.  Discussion Group List
  5.  Group List - by Paul Erickson
  6.  alt.discuss Timeline
  7.  Alpha listings Companion
  8.  Companion Group List By ?
  9.  alt.discuss gateway
  10.  GreenMonster Newsgroups
  11.  alt.discuss top25
  12.  public clubs
  13.  WebTV's Public Club Groups
  14.  private clubs
  15.  WebTV's Private Club Groups
  16.  WebTV NewsGroup List By ?
  17.  WebTV-AD Public Club Groups
  18.  Jim Brook's NewsGroup List
  19.  Another WebTV Group List
  20.  Anthony's WebTV Group List #1
  21.  Anthony's WebTV Group List #2
  22.  Pen Newsgroups
  23.  One By Listings / Categories
  24.  Categorized NewsGroup Page
  25.  MSN Groups - Sign-in Page

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