(How To Use The Sig Above):
This 'full blank page' sig must be the ONLY one activated in your 'signature box' when using it for printing letters.
To KEEP other sigs in your sig box, but not let them activate, just use comment lines before and after each of the other sigs to 'deactivate' them.
<!------- <HTML>rest of other sig here</HTML> -------->
With the sig 'on', and you are on the 'write an e-mail' page, put the cursor at the very bottom of the message area. (arrow up from the 'send' button one space).
Use the 'left arrow' key to 'activate', (make it blink/flash), the cursor box, and then click the box by pressing 'return'.
Now, use the 'right arrow' key to 'deactivate the box, which will 'activate' the cursor for typing. Just type your letter, and print it out, (CMD & P), for nothing but your typed text being printed. (no WebTV headers etc.)......
Don't forget to choose 'options' on the print page, and uncheck the 'print date and webtv info'.
The flashing red cursor will not print out.......
Adjust the width of the textarea in the sig, for the margins wanted.
You can 'save' the 'full screen sig-blank-page' into 'favorites', and assign a F-key to it, for ready and fast access at any time. (if you change the sig though, that sig will be the one to show up!)
Once you have gotten to your full blank sig page, it will remain in your 'recents' for quite awhile during your surfing session; it is very easy to return to it by just pressing 'recent', and selecting it again later.