MSNTV Smallifier/Quoter

Replace This Text:

With This Text:


Either type text into the textbox area, or paste previously copied text into the textbox area.

Next, click the 'smallify/quote' button one time for each indentation wanted for the text.

Then, copy the code that is produced and take it to where you want to use it, and paste it there. The 'code', is the text with all the right arrows, (>) to the left of the text.

When you paste the code into a post or e-mail, the actual smallification will not appear 'until' you see the received e-mail or post.

(Note: Each time you click the 'smallify/quote' button, the tool will give you one > in front of the text for making one indentation with smallified text; two clicks makes two indentations)

My Version Above, Is Based Upon:
Bob Wedge's Smallifier
Script By Bob Wedge

J.D.'s  Link VORTEX