Welcome to the AT&T Natural Voices Text-to-Speech Engine demo! Here you have the opportunity to "test drive" what we believe is the most realistic, human-sounding synthetic speech system today. For more information on what you are about to hear, see:

AT&T Natural Voices Text-To-Speech Demo
AT&T Natural Voices Text-to-Speech Engine data sheet

Please note:

  • You must have JavaScript enabled to use the demos    
  • Our recorded demos showcase the broadband (16KHz) versions of each voice

Select a Demo Type    Interactive    Recorded

Select a Language                        Select a Voice

Select an Output Format:
wav (PC & WebTV)  aiff (mac)  au  basic

NOTE: Current selections are preset for PC or WebTV

Select a Sample Rate:

Enter one or more words of text and click SUBMIT
to hear the Text-to-Speech conversion (limit 30 words):