F-key Expander via Folder within Folder:

The following procedure about folders within folders, does not increase your folder storage capacity ........ but it does increase your F-key capacity.

You normally can have 640 favorites stored per user. (20 folders with 32 favorites each), and 7 F-keys.

With the F-key expander, you will have the capacity for a maximum of 639 favorites in 20 folders, and up to 20 folders on one F-key.

(To do the following procedure, you can start with a new folder, or you can use one or more of your old ones).

For the folder within a folder F-key saver:

Short Version Explanation:

While viewing a folder, (displaying up to 32 saved favorites/sites), press 'save'; that will save your whole folder into a favorite folder. Goto that folder, and assign THAT particular saved favorite, to a F-key.

Long Version Explanation:

Go to "favorites", and click on any folder, or name a new folder to save favorites in. You DO need to have at least one folder with less than the full 32 favorites in it. (this will be the folder with a folder saved in it, which we will call 'A').

First step is to find a folder to put all the sites you want to have one F-key assigned to, and the same, or another folder, where the 'saved' folder will reside.

Open 'A' folder, so you can see the sites you have saved so far, (up to 31, which you want to have on a single F-key). Press "save", (you should have 31 or less sites in 'A' folder before saving this one to it), and save to folder 'A', or to another folder of your choice. You will now have one more site saved in that folder.

Next, check that folder for the added page. Then, click on "organize", and assign a F-key to the newly saved "favorite", which was the folder.

You must remember to never discard the original folder or sites if you 'saved' a folder in another folder rather than its own; otherwise, you will lose all the sites.

In other words, you can 'save' a folder into its own folder, or save a folder into another one. This allows you to save each folder into its own folder, with 7 F-keys having 7 folders on them; or one folder can have ALL the other folders saved into it, and then 'save' that folder to itself with a F-key being assigned to it.

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