J.D.'s Angelfire Transload Help

Transloading to Angelfire:

Note: Transloading is mainly for making a copy of files for your own webpage. These files are mostly pictures, (images), sounds, and html or javascript code. Text from articles etc., should just be cut-copy-pasted rather than transloaded.

I too had trouble transloading at first. Angelfire has changed their transloading procedure as of Nov. 1999. You can now directly transfer files to your website main directory or sub-directory.

Angelfire once again changed how you can transload as of summer 2000. You can now use the Angelfire transloader provided to do all the work for you to transload directly to your Angelfire site. Just go to your webshell, and scroll to bottom of the page. Input the URL of whatever you want to transload, and it will be put in your directory. It seems though that you can NOT transload from one Angelfire site to another using their transloader. For that, just use other transloaders.

Let me see if I can help you to use other transloaders. First though, I describe how to use the older method.

1) have the URL, (the http:// address location), of whatever you want to transload just in case it doesn't follow you to the transloader. (getting a wav, midi or other sound file is a little more complicated).

The easiest way to get a sound URL (wav., mid., or other), is to play the sound and while the audio is still on, immediately push the 'GOTO' button and quickly push 'last' or 'current' page buttons. The URL should be there now for you to copy and paste into the transloader line calling for the URL. If pasting the URL, don't forget to erase the http:// on the transloader line requesting the URL, or you will end up with two of them.

2) goto Anthony's Free (up to 30K)       Transloader at:

If the file you want to transload is larger than 30K, use one of the other free transloaders, or even sign up and pay for the TL/2.

3) be sure it says TL OK in the top left corner, (transloader ok to use).

A Transloader example is here:

Last Visited URL: https://www.angelfire.com/mt/jdhardball/images/angelnumber2.gif  (Automated)
Source URL:

Rename to:
angel.gif   (Optional)

Target FTP Server:
ftp.angelfire.com  (Required)

Target Account Name:
/your/loginname  (Required)

Target Account Password:
passwordhere  (Required)

Upload Directory:
/images or leave blank  (Optional)

Clip Guestbook Entry:
Geocities Only   (Optional)

Show Image Dimensions:
Gives you WIDTH and HEIGHT in pixels.   (Optional)

The items in Red are the required items for the Angelfire FTP to work correctly.

4) on the first line, (Last Visited URL:), if the URL is the one you need, click on the blue teardrop between the first 2 lines (it copies the URL to line 2). (Not shown on the above example, but can be seen on the actual 'Anthony Transloader').

5) type in the URL wanted in line two (Source URL:), if the above didn't work.

6) line three (Rename To:), is for you to rename the URL. (if it was: http://www.xxxxxxxxangelnumber2.gif) then you rename it to just the last part of the URL like angel.gif . Leave out the first part of the URL...... If it says gif, then it must have gif in the rename. If it says html, then it must have html in the rename. Be sure to remember this new name!

7) next line (Target FTP server:), you type in: ftp.angelfire.com

8) next line (Target Account Name:), type in: your angelfire login name 

9) next line (Target Account Password:), Your personal angelfire password ie; OnceUponATime

10) Next line (UpLoad Directory:), type in the name of the sub-directory you want to transload directly to. ie; /images   or just  leave blank to transload to your main directory.

11) next, go down to the button word transload and click on it,

12) wait for awhile after the next page comes up, until it automatically changes itself. If this new page does not change after about 20 seconds, click on status log file

13) now wait a minute or so and press reload or use CMD+R

14) scroll down until you see the ZAP button. If you don't see it yet, reload again, and again until you do.

15) one of the last few lines before the ZAP button must say transfer complete

16) click on ZAP

17) Wait until the next page shows up, then GoTo Angelfire   login , or use a recent key if you have been there recently, and continue on to your WebShell Editor page.

If the transload fails, you can not use that same renamed URL again! So if you try again, you have to change the URL name yet again.......The reason for this is that Angelfire will accept the name only once per 24 hours even if it fails.....Don't worry about the rename. You can change the name to whatever you really want, once it is safely in your files.

18) On your Web Shell page, the item you transloaded should now be there. If you transloaded to the main directory, just scroll through the main directory until you find it. If you transloaded to a different directory, you will have to click on that directory, and then 'open' that directory, and then scroll through the directory until you find it.

That should do it.........

The procedure is the same for geocities, and tripod, but the input lines are a bit different.

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