Weather Info/Forecasts

"WunderGround" Weather #1

"WunderGround" Weather#2

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Your Local Weather And Forecast #1

Your Local Weather And Forecast #2

Your Local Weather And Forecast #3

Your Local Weather And Forecast #4


Radar Maps #1

Radar Maps #2 w/Precipitation Map

Weather Channel Maps

The Weather Channel

Freese-Notis Weather.Net
For Local Forecast
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City, State, Zipcode, or Country


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Some Webpage or WebTV signature box weather banner generators:

J.D.'s Sig Weather Banner Generator #1

J.D.'s Sig Weather Banner Generator #2

RiverDrift's Weather Sticker Generator

Some quick directions  here  and  here  , or; 'below' to put a 'weather sticker' like the one above, on your webpage or in your e-mail:

1) In the searchbox at the top of this page:

Type your zipcode, or the city that you are looking for; and then click on it.

2) On the newly displayed page, click on "Click here for your Weather Sticker®!" (near the bottom of the page in a vertical link box).

3) Choose the banner you want and click on it.

4) Copy the lines of html carefully, (case-size and spacing is important).

5) Edit your signature on your webtv email, make sure to put the sticker code between the opening <html> and closing </html> tags if they are there already. Otherwise add those two tags.

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