Countdown to the Year 2000! --Place an image on your web pages to count down the days to the end of the century. It's easy and FREE . The button automatically changes with each passing day. Also,
check out other Countdown Buttons available.

The HTML code to put the 2000 countdown clock in a Sig or Page is:

<a href="">
<img src=" ## " height="100"width="180"border="0"></a>

## --This is your time zone relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), and it's needed so that the countdown will change at midnight your time. It can be found by double-clicking on the clock if you use Windows 95/98, or use this GMT table to find your GMT offset. For example, here in Indiana USA, it is 6 hours behind GMT; so this is written gmt -6 .

If you don't get the code right, the countdown won't work properly!

Use this countdown button anywhere you want. Tell your friends about it. They are FREE , but please don't modify the images.