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Our Premier Award

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New Scoring Criteria for The Year 2001!

Many thanks to Al Varelas, USMC, Decorated Vietnam Combat Veteran, webmaster of Masons In The Military Web Ring and many patriotic sites, for the outstanding graphic used in this award. Also, a grateful tip of the hat to Kurt Kurosawa, webmaster of United States Air Force Heritage of America Band (see our winners page) and other top of the line websites, for cleaning up our awards graphic and making it reflect the values that we hope to honor in our winners.

This award is presented by Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites to encourage simplicity and elegance in website design: Design devoted to enhancing the content of the site, and content designed to enlighten those who use the internet. The idea behind KISS Websites is to make websites that are appealing to the eye and ear, with a minimum of extra activity. No frames and few images are used to improve download time and to be friendly to visitors with less than state-of-the-art equipment. The research and information is credited as well as possible, and the theme of each site is narrowed to maintain the interest of both the visitors and contributors alike. Websites that meet this idea are most likely to receive this award.

There are five (5) Scoring Criteria. A perfect score of 30 is possible. Only those sites scoring 28 to 30 points will receive the "Labore &c. Award." Those receiving a lesser score will still be considered for our other awards. All applications will be considered for all of our awards. However, each Award has its own criteria, so please read each carefully.

candle 1. Fast download time. Ideally, all of each page should be downloaded in the time it takes to read the written content. (5 points)

candle 2. Well written verbal content. Ideally, as much or more craftsmanship should go into the written content as into the HTML content. English is not required, but the accepted conventions of the language or languages used for the website must be properly followed. (5 points)

candle 3. Minimal use of pop-ups, and other distractions. Ideally, all frames, images, icons, JAVA, etc. will be directly related to the content and will be constructed to download in a minimum of time and to be useful to visitors who may not have state-of-art equipment. Pop-ups suggesting "downloads" of programs to enhance the site are absolutely forbidden! (5 points)

candle 4. Mastery of page size, tables and frames (if used). Ideally, there will be no text or graphics at the edge of the pages nor any need to use a horizontal space bar and as few frames as possible (one is likely to be obnoxious and more than two is usually too much). (5 points)

candle 5. Well presented graphics and fonts. Ideally, the overall visual presentation should epitomize the concepts of "simplicity" and "elegance", demonstrating that "less is more". (5 points)

candle 6. Well presented music and other media. Ideally, the there will be no requirement (or suggestion pop-ups) to "download" special media players and there will be easy-to-find ways to turn off any music that automatically comes on when a page is opened. No music or special media at all is fine and will not subtract points (easy way to get all five points), but poorly persented music or special media will take away points (easy way to loose all five points). (5 points)

There are also two (2) Automatic Disqualifying Criteria:

candle 1. Lack of respect for the internet community. Websites of all types, including literary, artistic and educational sites are encouraged to apply for this award. But pornographic, "adults-only" or "hate" sites will not be considered. Such websites degrade all who participate in them and bring the internet community into disrepute.

candle 1. Lack of respect for the awards given to your site. If you have more than one page of awards graphics, you MUST have a full table of contents or index for your pages! You may see an example of this at the KISS Awards Pages or Artberger Labradors.

Those sites not receiving the "Labore &c. Award" will still be considered for our other awards, if the content falls into the following three (3) catagories:

candle 1. Masonic websites will also be considered for our "Geo. Washington Past Master Award."

candle 2. Police, fire fighter and emergency medical services websites will also be considered for our "Red Light Blue Light Award of Merit."

candle 3. Sites with original literary content will also be considered for our "H. G. Wells Award for Literary Excellence."

Although others may participate in the judging process, especially in judging non-English language sites, the decision of the KISS Websites Website Designer will be final. This award is sometimes offered by the Website Designer as qualifying sites are encountered during normal internet activity, but all awards are given only after filing an application, and unsolicited submissions are welcome. Applicants are not required or even encouraged to sign a guestbook (we do not have one!). Also, if this award is given, there is no requirement to link back to this site, although this is customary. However, OUR AWARD MUST BE DISPLAYED ON THE WINNING SITE or the award will be WITHDRAWN and the website STRICKEN from the list of winners! Also, links to sites which are inoperative and have not been updated will be removed.

To submit a website for consideration, fill out the Award Submission Form or email the Website Designer with the URL code, site name, owner's name and owner's email address. Submission does not guarantee an award and only winners will contacted.




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Rated 3.5
