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You are listening to The Navy Hymn "Eternal Father, Strong to Save"
by William Whiting and Rev. John Bacchus Dykes.

This page is dedicated to those who risk their lives
for those in peril.

Red Light Blue Light Award of Merit

Red Light Blue Light Award of Merit

So many police, fire firefighter and emergency medical services (EMS) websites have applied to our "Labore &c. Praemium" award that a new award has been created just for them on January 1, 2000.

The award criteria are approximately the same as for our "Labore &c. Praemium" award:

1. Proper subject matter. Ideally, the major or only subject treated on the website should be related to police, fire fighting or EMS.

2. Fast download time. Ideally, all of each page should be downloaded in the time it takes to read the written content.

3. Well written verbal content. Ideally, as much or more craftsmanship should go into the written content as into the HTML content.

3. Minimal use of pop-ups, and other distractions. Ideally, all frames, images, icons, JAVA, etc. will be directly related to the content and will be constructed to download in a minimum of time and to be useful to visitors who may not have state-of-art equipment.

5. Well presented graphics and fonts. Ideally, the overall visual presentation should epitomize the concepts of "simplicity" and "elegance", demonstrating that "less is more".

However, the judging for this award is not quite so strict to acknowlege that most police, fire fighter or EMS homepages are for the information and encouragement of their members, local citizens, and casual visitors, not to set the internet on fire (so to speak). All rules for our other awards still apply, and the decision of the KISS Websites designer is final. However, if a police, fire or EMS website is not given this "Red Light Blue Light Award of Merit", the disappointed webmaster may request that the KISS Websites designer send a brotherly, constructive critique.

And the winners are:





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