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Larger Than Life
The humor site with Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync and Britney Spears.
DISCLAIMER - I do not know the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync or Britney Spears nor do I know any of their management. Everything on this site is a JOKE and should not be taken seriously. I love the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync are okay and I hate Britney Spears but I think it's funny to make fun of all of them, so please keep that in mind!
This site was created on 18/6/99
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Britney Humor, 
more of a hate
Britney Dissing the BSB - Well, the little slut was dissing the BSB, 'nuff said! 

Parodies - Funny parodies of Britney's songs. 

Quotes - Britney's ditzy sayings. 

Proof Of Brit's Plastic Surgery - Aren't convinced she's had surgery? These pictures will do the trick! 

Why to hate Britney Spears - Reasons why you should hate her too. 

Britney's Shopping List - What Britney buys every week. 

Britney's Slut Wardrobe - Britney's guide to becoming a slut!

Weird BSB Pictures - Some BSB pictures and what I think of them. 

Backstreet Quotes - Little sayings that the guys have said. 

Howie and Nick... Sitting In A Tree? - Is there something going on here? 

What Are They Thinking? - Ever wondered what the BSB are thinking when their pictures are taken? 

Millennium - A review of the album. Remember, since this is a humor page, the review has to be funny. In reality I loved most of the songs. 

Questions That Need Answers - Some questions that I can not find the answers to. 

Nick and Brian: Just How Close Is Too Close? - Best friends or more? 

Music Video Reviews - My sarcastic little reviews of their music videos.

Backstreet Humor
'N Sync Humor 
Scary 'N Sync Pictures - 'N Sync pictures and what I think of them. 

'N Sync Quotes - Quotes from the guys themselves.