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I hear it all the time.....Just who do they think they are? You see them going to church every week and then they (act like/do/go) like that. If they were REALLY Christians......

Does that sound familiar to you? Maybe you have said it yourself.

Here is the truth of the matter......Christians are human...just like anyone else. The only difference is that they are forgiven. They have developed a relationship with (believed in and read the Word of) Jesus Christ. Remember the words of John 3:16---"For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever BELIEVETH (not acts right nor does everything right) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Now here's the amazing part....He (Jesus) then begins to create in the heart of the new Christian. He has made a new being (soul) and now works on the heart. Each and every day as the Christian keeps his eyes on Jesus.....Not on his own short comings or the short comings of others.....He will become more like Jesus in every aspect of his life. "We are HIS workmanship, not our own lest any man should boast."

Our job is to trust in Jesus. That's harder than it sounds. We want to do it ourselves. We want to feel that we can be better..that we can be good. The truth is that we can never be good enough because God cannot ever accept anything but absolute perfection. That's why we need Jesus.

Jesus lived a totally perfect life so that He could take our punishment for us (Eternal separation from God). But Jesus was God/Man and became the second Adam to represent us. That's why He can give us a GIFT of eternal life.

Now you can understand why a Christian appears to be a hypocrite. He's just like you, he's just like me. The only difference is that He has that relationship with Jesus and Jesus is creating every day in him. He is growing more and more like him but every Christian is at a different point in his life. Some are more like Christ and some less but they are all trusting His Word that He will save them.

Don't you want to be a part of that group?

Please, just now, offer up a little prayer......It doesn't even have to go as high as the ceiling for He reaches down to you. Just thank Him for saving you and tell Him that you are going to accept His free gift of eternal life by believing in Him and by getting to know Him through His Word.

What can you expect if you do what I have suggested?


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"I've Got Something To Tell You"