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Descendants of William Hitchman

"Old and New Westmoreland", Volume III, Published by the American Historical Society in 1918, Pages 45-46 reads:

"JOHN D. HITCHMAN --The pioneer Hitchman came to America an officer in the service of his King, George III. After becoming familiar with the causes of the Revolution and with the aims of the Colonials, he abandoned his command and cast his lot with them, and while his sense of honor prevented him from drawing his sword against his former comrades he was with them in spirit and at his home in Virginia rendered such aid as he could give as a civilian. His son WILLIAM HITCHMAN, left his home in Virginia and located on Redstone creek, in what is now Fayette county, Pennsylvania, that territory then claimed by Virginia. Later he went to Maryland and there married NANCY GILLESPIE, of a good family. Soon after his marriage he located in Westmoreland county, at Mt. Pleasant, where he engaged in farming. His children were: JOHN, JAMES, WILLIAM, ROBERT, ANDREW, GILLESPIE, DAVID, NELLIE, and ELIZABETH.

JOHN HITCHMAN, son of WILLIAM AND NANCY HITCHMAN, was born in 1789, and died in March, 1846. He was a soldier of the War of 1812, serving under Captain Reynolds. He enlisted as a private, was later commissioned first lieutenant, was ordered with his regiment to Baltimore and continued in the service until the war ended. In 1828 he was appointed brigade inspector of Pennsylvania militia with the rank of major, an official post he capably filled until 1836. The greater part of his adult life was passed in Mt. Pleasant, where he was held in high esteem as a merchant and citizen. He married MARY THOMPSON, of an old and respected family of the Cumberland Valley, born at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, February 18, 1799, died March 30, 1870, survived by her only son, WILLIAM J. HITCHMAN.

WILLIAM J.HITCHMAN was born in Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania, July 8, 1838, died there September 27, 1894. His father died when he was eight years of age, and under the guidance on anexcellent mother he grew to years of discretion, the lessons she taught in right living becoming the cardinal principles of his afterlife. His youth was mainly spent at Laurelville, a small village at the foot of Chestnut Ridge, his first business efforts being in the art of tanning leather. In his sevententh year he taught the village school and for several years thereafter, then became a tanner, engaging in that business extensively, first with his father-in-law, JAMES SHIELDS, later with William B. Neel. He was also engaged in coke manufacture under the firm name, Stonener, Hitchman & Company in their plant located at Tarrs. Later they built ovens known as the Morewood plant, conducted an extensive business for that early day, and at the Centennial Exposition held in Philadelphia in 1876 they were awarded a medal for the excellence of the coke they exhibited. About the year 1880 Mr. Hitchman began dealing extensively in coal and in coal lands in Westmoreland and Washington counties, his investments resulting very profitably. He was one of the early stockholders and later a director of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant, also for many years its active head and at the time of his death was serving as vice-president. In association with William B. Neel and J.C. Crownover, he organized the Mt. Pleasant Bank, which they conducted as a private bank until 1893, when it was incorporated as the Citizens' National Bank of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Hitchman a director until his death. He was an able financier, conservative, upright and just in all his dealings.

In his relations with the civic life of Mt. Pleasant he was content to serve as a civilian, never seeking office, although his position in the county gave him every opportunity. He was chairman of the county Republican committee in 1884, and under his campaign management the county went Republican for the first time in its history. He aided liberally in the upbuilding of the borough, erected many of its houses, and in every way attested the depth of his interest and public spirit. He was a member and liberal supporter of the Presbyterian church, aided all good causes, and possessed the respect and confidence of his community. His friends were many and no man more justly deserved them.

Mr. Hitchman married, January 2, 1861, ELIZABETH SHIELDS, who long survived him, daughter of JAMES SHIELDS, of Mt. Pleasant. Mrs. Hitchman was born in March, 1838, and died November 4, 1916. The were the parents of eight children:

(1.) MARY, resides at home.

(2.) ALICE E., resides at home,

(3.) JAMES S., educated in public schools, Lebanon Valley College and in the schools of Blairstown; engaged in banking with his father; at the organization of the City National Bank of Mt. Pleasant he was elected president, and at the organization of the Trust Company, known as the City Savings and Trust Company, was made president of same, which position he still fills; he is a member of and president of the Brush Run Coal and Coke Company; resides at home.

(4.) EDWARD T., educated at public schools and Lebanon Valley College; resides in Wheeling, West Virginia; president of the Hitchman Coal and Coke Company; director of the National Exchange Bank of Wheeling, and one of the official board of supervisors of the Superior Coal Company, operating in Ohio; he married KATHERINE REED of Washington, Pennsylvania; four children.

(5.) ARTHUR, deceased.

(6.) JOHN D., after completing his studies, engaged in the banking business, and has been president of the First National Bank of Mt. Pleasant since 1902, also connected with Brush Creek Coal and Coke Company; has been active in politics, elected county comptroller of his county in 1904, served two terms, a period of seven year; on June 26, 1906, he became a member of the Tenth Pennsylvania National Guard, was advanced to captain and regimental adjutant, the latter commission, May 25, 1917; was on the Mexican border as captain of a machine gun company, his service covering a period of three months; married LOUISE SCULL, of Somerset, Pennsylvania, and they have one child, a son.

(7.) WALTON M., deceased.

(8.) WILLIAM M., educated in public and academic schools, also Princeton College; treasurer of the City Savings and Trust Company of Mt. Pleasant; married REBECCA CRAWFORD, of Greensburg, Pennsylvania; three children. The family are all connected with the Presbyterian church."

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