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Our purpose is to provide a web site to collect as much Hitchman genealogy as possible to aid in research for all Hitchmans world wide.

Arthur Hitchman has researched many Hitchman lines for 50 years and now donates his research to our web site. This information will be forthcoming in the next few months. Arthur states that he has over 80 Hitchman lines researched.

For some time Arthur tried to contact families in the United States to share their family information with them. He was met with much silence and a bit of skepticism. So it is with honor that I present these lines, courtesy of Arthur to you.

If you find your family in this information, please let us know. If you have a website, we would be honored if you would allow us to link to it.

The Purpose of this Page

"One thing we have discovered is that we are a nation of wanderers. Our ancestors have wandered the globe, and often left us with only one clue to trace their heritage, their surname." -Unknown
The Primary Goals of this Page:

1. To list all our "cousins" researching this surname.
2. To link to all pages of interest to people researching this surname.
3. To collect all information pertaining to this surname, and the bearers of this surname that might in some way facilitate research of this surname.
4. To present this information on the web so that it can be freely accessed by any of our cousins at any time, from any place.

"In order for all our cousins to be gathered together,
from wherever they may have wandered,
you need a nest to gather them in."
We need your help to do this. Please contribute to this project.
Back to Index The Hitchman name is one that I have proudly born. It is an honorable family and I would love to know the rest of you. Please enjoy and if you have questions, feel free to email me. I won't guarantee you I will know the answers but I will do my best to direct you to where you may find them.

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