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Descendants of Henry Hitchman
bap ca 1540/50 in Bloxham

Will of Thomas Hitchman d 03 Mar 1695

Birth Date           Circa 1634
Birth Place          Bloxham ?
Death Date          3 Mar 1695
Death Place         Bloxham
Occupation          Yeoman of town of Bloxham; cty Oxford


Will at Oxfordshire Archives for Thomas Hitchman d Mar 1695
In the Name of God Amen - the Third day of January in the fourth years of the reigne of our soverign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God now King and Queen of England etc. Anno Domini 1692 I Thomas Hitchman of the towne of Bloxham in the County of Oxfordshire, yeoman being aged weak and infirm but of a perfect mind and memory and understanding thanks be given to Almighty God for the same Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following [That is to say] First and principally I give & Yield up my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator Hoping assurdly for the reward of Eternal Life through the mercies and merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer And as for my wordly estate it hath pleased God of his goodness to belss me with all I Give and Dispense therof as followeth First I give unto Elizabeth my now loving wife One third part of all my household goods Allsoe I give unto my Daughter Elizabeth One Shilling shee being otherwise provided for Alsoe all the rest and residue of my goods Chattles Cattle and personal Estate after my Debts paid and funerall expenses discharged I give and bequeath unto my sonne Thomas Hitchman whom I make and ordain and appoint sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament And I doe hereby revoke all former Wills by me att any time heretofore made in Witness whereof to this my last Will and Testament I have sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written

Signed Sealed published & Delivered in the presence of
Will Councer
John Hadland
Hugh Hadland

[Signed by the Testator] THOMAS HITCHMAN // his marke

Probate etc 22 Apr 1695 to THOMAS HITCHMAN

A true inventory of the goods and chattells of Thomas Hitchman of Bloxham lately deceased made on the 19 April 1695

Item his wearing Apparrell & money in his purse_ £05.00.00d
Item in the Chamber over the kitchin two bedsteads with bedding & Hanging press two Coffers two Charis with other Lumber ther£05.00.00d
Item in Chamber over ye Hall an olde bedstead a little Garner with some Mault and barley with other Lumber ther£02.00.00d
Item in Chamber over the parlour one bedstead & in the Chamber over the buttery a bedstead with the bedding Cheese & Cheeserack£01.00.00d
Item in Buttery one Cheesepreese Barrells with other Lumber ther£00.12.00d
Cheese and Cheeserack£01.00.00d
Item in Buttery one Cheese presse Barrells with other Lumber ther£00.12.00
Item all the Linin£01.06.08d
Item in the parlour two little Tables Chairs & Stools & in the Hall a Table Streen & form a Wheel [partially erased] Spinning Wheel 2 Spitts five Shovell & Tongs with other things ther£01.10.00d
Item in the Kitching a Mault mill Couls & Kivers a Mash fatt [Vatt] Brass & Pewter£02.00.00d
Item Hay & Pease & Corn in the barn£02.10.00d
Two old Horses 3 Cowes and a HOrse with the Horse Harness£10.00.00d
Item A olde Waggon two Carts a plow & Harrow with other Implements of Husbandry£06.00.00d
Item Wheat sown in the fieldes£04.00.00d
Item olde Iron & other Implements£00.02.06d

Apprised & vallued the day above written by us whose
names are underwritten




Exhibited at Chipping Norton @ Visitation 22 Apr 1695 per
Thomas Hitchman son & Executor

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