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The reason why I didn’t publish a Winter 2001 issue of Mandala of Light is because I have had to devote all my time to preparing and teaching an Ecstatic Living Course through the Bozeman School District Adult Education Program. I wasn’t sure what kind of response I would get. In the Adult Education catalogue it was described as "a six-week course, providing several practical tools to help cope with problems and get out of the ruts of negativity, inaction, stuck emotions, and bad habits. Tools include interpersonal and inner dialogue, relationship techniques, yoga, written and spoken word techniques and visualization." I was pleasantly surprised when 17 people initially enrolled and two more joined after the first class.

I began the course by asking everyone to write down a goal they would like to achieve or a problem they would like to solve. This would be their focus throughout the course for applying the various techniques of Ecstatic Living. Most of the people had goals or problems related to finances, health, and relationships. Only two people had a goal of spiritual development. I pointed out that while it is important and even necessary that we enjoy good health, harmonious relationships, and satisfying work, these outer things, in themselves, will not bring us lasting fulfillment. We can find fulfillment only when we become one with our higher Self.

The remainder of the first lesson was an exposition on the higher Self from the perspective of various psychological theories, especially that of Jung, and from the viewpoint of various religious traditions, which all say basically the same thing: "God dwells within." (See article "The Inner Guru"). I then spent another hour explaining my theory of the three archetypes of the higher Self and the nine qualities of self transcendence. This will be the topic of a future article.

The second class on Written Word techniques began with a problem solving exercise that used various problem solving techniques, mainly mind-mapping. I divided the class into two groups and gave both the same problem: "If you were suddenly transported back in time to 1801 and had only what was in your pockets, purses and briefcases, how would you survive?" Then I talked about the importance of journaling to become more self-aware and to heal our psychology. I gave tips for remembering and recording dreams and for writing goal statements.

The third class on the spoken word began with a slide show of several pictures of auras and chakras, showing the effects of mantras and decrees. I then explained the basics of affirmations, mantras and decrees, using tape excerpts from The Power of Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand and The Science of the Spoken Word: Why and How to Decree Effectively by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet. The class then spent about 45 minutes reciting mantras and decrees, including violet flame, healing and illumination decrees. The mantras were short and powerful such as "Om Namo Narayanaya," "Om Nama Shivaya," and "Rama, Rama, Rama."

The fourth lesson was on creative visualization. Guest speaker, Dr. Tom Tursich, an Advanced Toastmaster, gave a humorous and inspiring talk on the power of the subconscious mind. The class then did an exercise on creating a treasure map and writing their personal myth before watching a video of Shakti Gawain leading a group of people in her famous "pink bubble visualization."

The fifth lesson began with Brian Emmanual Grey speaking about Inner Family Archetypes. He illustrated his talk with several stories about his clients and about his life. I then demonstrated the dialogue technique of softball by acting out a skit with my wife, Julie, using tennis rackets. The class then did a healing letter exercise based on John Gray’s feeling letter technique of expressing anger, sadness, fear, remorse and finally love and forgiveness.

The last class began with a demonstration and video of the chi machine. Then Magdalena Beal talked about the eight branches of yoga and led the class through several hatha yoga asanas. Finally we all gathered around a table to enjoy some of Julie’s delicious Macrobiotic treats, including tempura, nori rolls, bancha tea, and rice pudding. Throughout the course, I told the students that "the proof is in the pudding" in regard to experiencing the effects of various techniques. When it came to the Macrobiotic diet, I meant it literally.

During the Macrobiotic meal, the students filled out a course evaluation questionnaire. One of the student’s wrote the following comment: "Thank you so much for offering this! I wish it was not ending - I would like to continue forever! I have learned so many tools to play with. You have given such a gift! Thank you!"

The course was valuable not just for the student but for me as well. I expanded and improved on what I originally wrote in Ecstatic Living: How to Revitalize Your Relationship, Career, Body, Mind and Soul. I also saw what could be eliminated and improved if I ever give this course again. I thank all the students and guest speakers for their participation and feedback. And I especially thank Yvonne Hauwiller, Kristen Plamondon and Linda Stancil of the Adult Education Department for making it possible and for helping with the handouts, equipment and facilities.