~*My Philosophies on Life*~

I will give some reason to some of these, but most of them explanitory!! All of the stuff on this page are real experiences that have happened to me.


2- Life is sexually transmitted!!

3- Never take life seriously, no one gets out alive neways!!

4- I give 2 sh*ts, half a f***, and yes I almost care!!!!

5- If someone betrays you once, its his fault; If he betrays you twice, its your fault!!!

6- Even if your falling on your face, your still moving forward!!!

7- My body is a temple, now get down on your knees and pray!!!

8- My body is a temple, and you DO NOT have a recommend!!!!

9- If you want to control someone, sleep with your remote!!

10- The only reason I date men inferior to me, is because thats the only kind there are!!!

11- Remember you horny piece of dirt, girls are made of sugar an spice and everything nice!!!

12- He who laughs last, thinks slowest!!

13- Girls like me cause I don't look like a girl who would steal a boyfriend, atleast not for long!!

14- Not the brightest crayon in the box now are we!!!

15- PMS stands for Putting up with Mens Shit!!!

16- Make sure when you lock the door to your vehicle (Kira!). That the keys aren't sitting on the seat!!!

17- I am not like other people, and you know what, I'm ok with that!!

18- I can only please one person per day, today is not your day, tomorrow isn't looking good either!!!

19- You know its ok to whine, every once in a while, but not 24-7!!!! Ahhhh....there was this girl in my English class...she always whinned!!! It mad me sooo mad!!!

20- You know if you have a problem with me come and tell, don't talk shit about me behind my back!!

21- Men are like tissues, you use them when you need them, and throw them away when your though with them!!!

22- How's my driving?!?!?! Call 1-800-EAT-SHIT!!!!

23- Flashing people isn't a very good thing, believe me I know!!! I flashed this 4 really popular guys on main, cause they mooned us!!! But I did have my bra on soooo.........!!!!!


25- Feeding the seagulls hurts!!! I was feeding the seagulls my french frys from Wendy, (we were sitting in Kira's car) and my finger hit the side of the door, and my fingernail crack in half!!

26- Driving on the grass is fun!!!

27- Its very fun going to football games, and making fun of the opposing teams cheerleaders!!!

28- Guys are nice, but who really cares!!!

29- You know that really hot guys you and your friends talk about?!?!?!? If you don't think he can hear you, believe me he can!!!

30- Make sure that before you ask a guy to a dance, that he doesn't have a girlfriend!!!

31- When you are having an out of body experience, DON'T FART!!!!

32- Never leave you make-up in the widow of somebody's car when its hot!!!!!

33- Whenever you too lazy to tie your own shoes; have somebody else do it!!!!

34- I am trying to see things for your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my ass!!!

35- When you are playing soccor, make sure to look out when people scream, "HEADS UP!!!"

36- Make sure to close your blinds BEFORE you get in the shower!!! I had just gotten out of the shower, and I walked into my room and my blinds were wide open. And my window is a floor to ceiling window!!!!

37- Its ok to laugh at your friends especially when they are flashing each other from different cars!!! -OK- We had gone to One Man in a Band(cause we always go their when we have an assembly). After we went up to Canyon View Park, and I was in Nate's Truck with Lacey, and Danielle and Stephanie were in Kira's car. And they were flashing each other. It was sooo funny!!!!

38- I'm not laughing at you; I'm laughing in your general direction!!!

39- Playing pool is fun, especially when you cheat!!! Nate has a pool table in his basement, and he always lets me cheat!!!!

40- Don't you just HATE those dreams when one of your best friends is holding hands with the guy that you like!!! I had a dream that Danielle and Nate were holding hand!!! It really PISSED ME OFF!!!!

41- Sunny D is very good in the morning; NOT MTN DEW or SURGE!!!!!

42- Its always fun when the guy that you like throws you over his shoulder and then drops you on you A**..... Nate picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and then drop me on my A**!!! My friends were laughing their A**ES OFF!!!!!

43- ..... But it suck when you are rough housing and you hurt him!!!! I had got these wooden poles out of the back of his truck and we were playing swords, and then we started wrestling, and I got up and picked up our swords, he took his and took off running. Then I stabbed him in the stomach, and left 5 in scratch on his stomach!!!!

44- Developing pictures is fun, especially cause your in the dark, with a guy!!! I skipped English, to go do and develop pictures with Nate!!! My eyes were majorly WIGGING OUT!!!!

45- Playing swords and wrestling is a lot of fun!!!

46- Detention is fun cause you get to talk, but when you really need to go the bathroom, it sucks!!

47- I told my dad I stopped raising hell, and he called me a quitter!!

48- Judge me all you want, just keep the verdict to yourself!!

49- I just love when people call me when I am asleep, and try to have a conversation with me while I am not really awake!!! Nate called me & Julia woke me up. He was all like what are you doing?!?!? I was like uhhh....sleeping.

50- I hate when my friend go and do something and don't even invite me go with them!!! Lacey and Jackie were talking about going down to Arizona for Christmas, and I was standing right there and they didn't even ask me if I wanted to go with them!!!!

51- I just love the smell of cinnamon!!!

52- I am the biggest procrastinator, sooo don't ask me to do anything for you!!!

53- My favorite words are "Giddy", "Pixy", and "for cool"!!!

54- Remember my name, you'll be screaming it later!!!

55- I Love giving hugs!!!!

56- You can't rape the willing!!!!! My friends always tease me about Nate, and they always say, "You can't rape the willing!!!!"

57- I really really HATE MTN. DEW!!!! It makes you go to the bathroom, ALL THE TIME!!!!! Nate drinks mtn. dew, ALL THE TIME. So the other day, while we were at One Man in a Band. I had some of his mtn. dew and I had to go to the bathroom the rest of the day!!!

~*I'm Glad I'm a Woman*~

Email: cateyes1584@hotmail.com