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Michael Roanhorse, Dine, comes through by way of Phoenix, AZ.

While in 8th grade, he led his team (Gilliand Jr High of Tempe, AZ) to the Arizona State Championship for 8th graders.

His High School career was spent playing for Mountain Pointe HS in Phoenix, AZ. from 1995, '97-98

He was a 1998 Arizona 5A-4A Coach's North-South All Star which is the top 20 graduating seniors in Arizona.

He was a 1998 Tribune All East Valley All Star in AZ

He was a All City Tempe, AZ 1st Team selection. He currently is at Yavapai College 1998-2000 playing basketball as a shooting guard.

He will be choosing a college to attend soon and continue his basketball career.

(Info provided by:  Elmer F. Roanhorse)

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