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This is the chat that took place on November 17th, 11:00 a.m. EST. I couldn't believe I was the 1st to ask a question. I tried to get a shot out to this page, but it never made it. Rather than have you read stuff about me, here's the chat. The IP's were excluded on this page for safety reasons.

Notah's in the house. Fire away!

Colville Native at 11:01am ET

Notah: You've been a positive impact to natives all over. Does it really effect you in your everyday carrying ons? If so, how?

Notah Begay at 11:03am ET

I would say that it definitely affects me in my everyday life simply because what I do today helps me prepare for the future, and if I work hard today it not only enables me to have success on the golf course but in my personal life as well, which allows those who look up to me as a role model to benefit as well.

Grant Moise at 11:03am ET

As a 27 year old professional athlete, from the outside it looks like all glamour and no pain for a two-time winner on tour. I'm sure there must be some sacrifices you have made over the past few years. What do you feel is your biggest sacrifice?

Notah Begay at 11:03am ET

No. 1 would be not having enough free time to spend with family and friends.

Chris at 11:04am ET

Being a student at Florida State we have heard a lot about our native american mascot. How do you feel about the things that are going on about trying to get all these mascots changed?

Notah Begay at 11:06am ET

That's a really tough issue and one that I've come into contact with quite a bit over the last five years. And one that I'm not necessarily sure that I've come to a complete understanding of what stance I want to take. On one side, there are a lot of reasons to remove the mascots because they are to a certain extent disrespectful to the Native American people as a whole. On the other hand, I feel that in some cases, certain mascots represent Native Americans in a good way.

Notah Begay at 11:07am ET

More on the above question ...

For example, I think the Cleveland Indians mascot and the Washington Redskins name should be removed because they do not portray the Native American people in a positive light. But I know a lot of Native Americans that happen to support the Florida State mascot.

Burque Brother at 11:08am ET


Congratulations on your early success in the PGA. We here in New Mexico are all very proud of you because as you know, it's not everyday that NM is in the spotlight. At Albuq. Academy you played hoops and soccer, how have those sports helped you (if at all) as far as competitiveness in the PGA (the premier golfing assoc. in the world)?

Notah Begay at 11:09am ET

It's those sports in particular that allowed me to nurture my competitive drive, because being able to compete in different areas of sport not only strengthen your competitive drive but enhances your personal life. So, overall those sports enabled me to become a better athlete and a more well-rounded individual.

Cher at 11:10am ET

Hi Notah! Ya'at'eeh! Do you find it hard being away from Dinetah? And do you have family who travel with you?

Notah Begay at 11:11am ET

Family doesn't travel with me very much, and I do find it hard to be away from home. But when I am on the road and competing, I know I am furthering a good cause for a good purpose.

Jeff Easterling at 11:11am ET

How long will it be that they'll be calling Tiger Woods 'Notah Begay's Stanford teammate' instead of the other way around? Congrats on a great start!

Notah Begay at 11:12am ET

Probably for a long time! Tiger right now is, bar none, the best player in the world, and until I prove myself to be at that level I'll always be known as his teammate, which is not a bad thing because it's better than not being mentioned at all.

Cliff Johns at 11:12am ET

Being a Navajo, from Black Mesa-AZ, Do you sometimes feel racial tensions when playing around the country in a sport thats primarily white-dominated?

Notah Begay at 11:14am ET

Surprisingly enough, I haven't run into any direct racial conflicts. But that's not to say there haven't been situations where I have felt uncomfortable because of my race. So it really doesn't bother me because I just want to be a great golfer and the PGA Tour is the only place to get that done.

Marc from Bernaltown at 11:14am ET

You think you hire a Native Fluff to caddie?

Notah Begay at 11:16am ET

I've never had one. Actually, on the Canadian Tour, I had a good friend who is a Sioux caddie for me.

Right now, I've got a guy from Toronto caddying for me.

samuel rosas at 11:17am ET

Do you still keep in contact with Casey Martin at all?

Notah Begay at 11:18am ET

Yes, I do. And he and I are both looking forward to playing with each year.

Joey at 11:18am ET

Congrats Notah on a great year. I heard that at Stanford, you were the #1 golfer with Tiger there. Is that true? And, how did all you guys (Tiger, Casey, you, and the other teammates) get along?

Notah Begay at 11:20am ET

For most of the year, I played No. 1. And, we got along very well. We had a great team and had a lot of fun. I'll always remember it as one of the best experiences of my life.

The memory that really sticks out was putting for money on the practice green. One time, Casey and I beat Tiger and another freshman, Conrad Ray. We beat them out of a good deal of money -- so let's just say they weren't too happy about Tiger.

Rob Beaulieu from robb@redlake at 11:20am ET

Notay, Do you think that Jim Thorpe should be and the wheeties box, and espn top athlete of the century?

Notah Begay at 11:22am ET

Jim Thorpe should be on a Wheaties box because his performance and statistics were just as good or better than every single person who has been on a Wheaties box in history. But because he competed so early in the 20th century, not many people know about him.

As far as the ESPN's top athlete goes, I think it's between Thorpe, Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali. I don't know who I'd pick out of those.

Phil at 11:22am ET

What is your primary goal for the 2000 season?

Notah Begay at 11:23am ET

Just to play on the President's Cup team. And to do that, I'm going to have to have at least as good a year or better than the one I had this year.

Cher at 11:24am ET

I work for a research project in which we target Native American youth... mainly at two boarding schools. Our entire staff have noticed lots of articles and posters of you within the dorms. You leave a positive impact with the kids, and we think it's great! Do you plan on visiting any schools on the reservation for motivational talks?

Notah Begay at 11:25am ET

Yeah, I just did a motivational talk on Monday on the Navajo reservation. Last Wednesday, I spoke at the Chemawa Indian School in Oregon. Those are the types of speaking engagements that I enjoy most because it allows me to get in touch with the kids and give back.

Gervana Begaye-Johns at 11:26am ET

I'm from Shiprock, NM and First, just wanted to say Ya'at'eeh and congrats on your accomplishments. My question is: Will you create a foundation thats similiar to the Tiger Woods Foundation that targets the Native American youth population?

Notah Begay at 11:27am ET

Those plans are definitely being put together right now. From a financial standpoint -- in order to justify a foundation you need enough funds coming in to maintain the administration of a foundation -- it doesn't make sense but will definitely take place in the next 2-3 years.

Marilyn at 11:27am ET

Do you have any intention of using your education from Stanford when and if you decide to cease golfing professionally?

Notah Begay at 11:29am ET

I use my education from Stanford right now because I need to make sure my income is looked after correctly, and my financial manager is making good, sound financial decisions that will benefit me in the future. And that stems from my economics degree at Stanford.

I'm not sure what I'd do after playing golf. I just want to do something productive.

Joni at 11:29am ET

I'm an aspiring high school golfer, any advice?

Notah Begay at 11:29am ET

Make sure you take care of business in the classroom, and once that's done, pour your heart and soul into the game.

Brent Cahwee at 11:30am ET

As the only native american golfer on the pga tour right now, Do you place any extra pressure on yourself to suceed? Also, if that pressure exists then does it help fire you up before a tournament?

Notah Begay at 11:30am ET

I don't place any additional pressure on myself because I'm a Native American. The golf ball and clubs don't know who you are or where you came from. I get fired up to win and compete because that's what drives me.

5th graders from the Navajo Rez at 11:31am ET

Aaron asked, "What are your clans?"

Notah Begay at 11:32am ET

On my mother's side, I am of the Fox Clan. On my Navajo side, I am born of the Folded Arm People. And my paternal grandfather is of the Salt Clan ... that is who I am.

Trip at 11:34am ET

Notah, what hole did you start thinking, " Hey I can shoot 59".....I was there that day caddying 3 groups ahead of you..Awesome stuff.

Notah Begay at 11:34am ET

When I made the hole-in-one on the 12th hole, at the Dominion Club in Virginia. That's when I knew it was a possibility.

Moderator Tom Farrey at 11:36am ET

Notah is leaving the room now.

Notah, any final thoughts?

Notah Begay at 11:37am ET

Yes. Thanks everyone for all your support. Thanks for logging on. It's because of you that I do what I do, and I wouldn't be who I am without you.

Moderator Tom Farrey at 11:38am ET

Thanks, Notah, and thanks everyone for joining the chat session. If you want to read more about Notah, there's a profile of him on our service that you can reach by clicking here.

Have a good day, everyone.

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