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Lowell Egan

By:  Marsha N

This is something that is in the Guestbook.  I usually check the guestbook daily.  So, if anything is in there that they want to see on the site, will probably come directly from there, maybe.  If an email address is provided, I'll check there to see if I can get more info. Anyways, here's the story on Lowell.

"I would like it if u did an article on Lowell Egan.  He is a Paiute-Shoshone from McDermitt, Nevada.  He is a sophomore. Last year, during his Freshman year he played Varsity ball, and had his best game against Owyhee (another indian school).   He had 24 pts. in that game when he was sick.  Our school is so small, but the athletes that play are alot more talented than the ones that we play.  So I seriously think that you should do an article on him... thank you Marsha N"

Well Marsha, The story to Lowell Egan was added, and the info you provided was the main, and only resource to do this story about him. Good luck with the upcoming Basketball season, and hopefully his next big game won't have to come at a time of being sick.

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