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N a t i v e  A t h l e t e ' s  S i t e  --  S o n n y  S e l l a r s

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I recently got some quick info in my email the other day. It's surprising that a local native (around my parts) is contacting me to submit to this site? Usually, it seems as if these sites I build are known elsewhere, but not locally? Anyways, here's the low down on a Mr. Sonny Sellars.

My name is William Sellars, but everyone calls me Sonny. I work for the Tribe as the Health and Fitness Coordinator. I just recently graduated from Eastern Washington University with a BS in Exercise Science as well as a BA in Spanish.

I am a Colville Indian from the Colville Reservation in North Central Washington (State). My forte is triathlon. This weekend (Aug. 27) I will be competing in my fourth Ironman Distance Triathlon (2.4 mile swim/112 mile bike/26.2 mile run). I have twice before completed Ironman Canada, and finished Ironman USA last year in Lake Placid, NY. I have raced in Ontario (CAN), California, Idaho, Washington, and B.C. (CAN). My goal is to qualify for the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon World Championships on the Big Island in Kona on Oct. 14.

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