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There's No Stopping No Authority
BB, February 1999

Eric, Ricky and Danny share how they keep in tune with their motto: The show must go on!

For Ricky Felix, Danny Zavatsky and Eric Stretch, the babley Southern California trio No Authority, performing live in concert takes a lot more than sultry lyrics, catchy choreography and stylish threads. While these factors do play a crucial role for the guys while belting out tunes like "Up and Down" and "One More Time" from their 1997 debut CD, Keep On (soon to be followed by their second album early nest year!), when they are in front of oodles of screaming fans 'round the world, the most important ingrediant in serving up a howl-worthy show is maintaining a positive attitude.

Often times outside distractions like jet-lag or being sick with the flu interfere with their shows, making it hard for the No Authority hotties to want to perform at all. But as Eric tells BB, they're there for the fans, the people who have put them there in the first plce, and come sickness or lack of spirit, the show must go on! "There are some shows that I get out there and on the first song I am like 'Oh my God, I don't want to do this show. I really don't. I'm not in the mood,'" otherwise- outgoing eric, 18, admits. "But after it's over, I'm thinking, 'This is one of the best shows I've ever done.' I get out there having that attitude, but after the first song, I am like, 'This is what I live for. This is my job!'"

"whatever happens, happens"

Danny also admits that there are days when he, too, would rather hang at home watching episodes of MTV's The Real World than sing "Don't Stop" for the gazillionith time- especially when it's in front of a crowd of people he can already sense aren't into the group's groovin' sound. "Sometimes you go to shows and you are about to go up and you see 30 people out there and half of them are older guys [who] you know are not going to like your music," the 16-year-old surfer-boy candidly explains. "I mean, a lot of times you go up there and geti ti over with. You are going to have to get used to it and just do it. Whatever happens, happens."

Ricky, who turns 18 on December 2, adds, "You have to think about the goal." That's why, whenever he's feeling a little uninspired to give it his all, he imagines whom he respects very much are in the audience. "I pretend Michael Jacksonand Madonna are in the front row watching me," the dancin' dude smiles. Considering how energetic Ricky always is on stage, can you imagine what he'd be like if The Gloved One and The Material Girl were in the audience?