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What's Wrong With No Authority?
BB March 1999

Just in the time for new Year's, the hip-hoopers behind the single "Up and Down" confess the secret flaws that they're hopping to change in the future.

Maybe you slack off on your homework a little too much. Or maybe you have a habit of nibbling on your fingernails when you're nervous. Don't feel bad about it. Nobody's perfect- not even Ricky Felix, Eric Stretch and Danny Zavatsky of No Authority. Although it might be hard for their fans to think of them as anything less than perfect, the adorable babes who hit it big with their 1997 CD, Keep On, confide to BB that there are a few things they'd like to imporve about themselves in the future.

For instance, Eric thinks that he could take better care of his bod by getting into a workout routine and sticking to a healtheri diet. When we asked the 18-year-old dreamboat if he was doing anything at all to stay in shape, he guiltily admits, "Um, no, but I should be."

As far as excersize goes, Eric says the problem is that he has a hard time getting motivated to drag himself to the gym for a grueling, sweaty workout. "I'm just so lazy," he has sighed. Although rehearsing and performing his challenging dance routines for concerts definatly gives him a good workout, he's still hoping that 1999 is the year in which he finally adds a fitness routine of weight-lifting and muscle-toning to his days.

His face turning pick with embarrassment, Eric also confesses that he's been known to show down on lots of greasy fast food instead of good-for-you foods like fruits and veggies. "I'm really bad at my nutrition," he groans. But recently, he proudly adds, he has gotten a head start on a more nutritious diet for the new year. "It used to be, like, too much McDonalds's, but now I'm eating fruit and stuff," the brown-wyed babe boasts.

the thigh's the limit

Doing a little weight-lifting with Eric this year might help 16-year-old Danny change the one thing about himself that he can't stand. "I'd really like to change my legs," he declares. "I think they're too skinny and scrawny."

In addition to buffing his legs (which his fans would probably tell him are majoryly cute just the way they are), Danny is crossing his fingers that 1999 is the year in which he comes out of his shell and starts feeling comfy around strangers. "I would change my shyness," the soft-spoken sweetie confesses. "I would kind of like to be more foward." You see, apparently Danny turns into a bashful babe when he's chatting with girls he doesn't know. "I'm shy around girls- like, going up to a girl and talking to her," he reveals. "It's like, 'I can't do that!'"

Neither can 18-year-old ricky. "Very outgoing, confident, aggressive- that's who I am on stage," the smiling sweetie says. But while he's totally at ease strutting his stuff in front of fans in concerts, he's getting a major case of jitters when he wants to talk to them one-on-one. "I wish I could jsut say and do what I want to do all the time," he sighs. "Thats what I do on stage. But I'm not the type who can go up to girls like that." Hopefully 1999 will be there year ricky and his groupmates don't stop working to turn their hopes for personal change into reality!