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Singing Their Way to Stardom
BB May 1998

Before these Southern California-based guys began harmonizing as a group, Joshua, Eric, Ricky and Danny did almost anything to get heard.

It's no coincidence that No Authority are breaking into mainstream tadio play with their first single, "Don't Stop," off their debut R&B CD, Keep On. Just take a look at what Joshua Keaton, Ricky Felix, Eric Stretch and Danny Zavatsky were doing before they signed with their record labela nd you'll se how they were destined to sing their hearts out for all the world to hear.

"I was always screaming throughout the house singing songs," Eric, 17, confides to BB about his childhood. "When I was really young, I was involved with my church choir. And then I got an agent. And then I was going all this acting and singing." Nice how that worked so smoothly for Eric. He makes it sound like getting a talent agent is a peice of cake. Not!

As for Danny, thw whole acting-commercial gig started him off in the singing world, too. "Every once in a while, they'd call me for a singing audition," the youngest member at 15 reveals. "So I just started getting more into it. I did a lot of commercials and I liked singing."

from the gym to gospel hyms

the story of how Ricky started singing will make you flip- it certainly made hime flip. "I was a gymnast for a long time, like seven years, and I was really good at it," the 17-year-old athlete explains. "In order to keep doing gymnastics, I had to start dancing. So I started to dance at this studio [near home] and there was singing equipment there..." And the rest is history.

And with Joshua, No Authority wasn't even his first group! "Well, I wa actually in a gospel group for about three years that was formed after the [1992] L.A. riots," the 19-year-old shares. "I went down [to the audition], sang, and they were impressed. I was in that for about three years and I really learned a lot." Great, now don't stop!