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First Kiss Drama
Bop December 1998

Even though their first kisses weren't perfect, Ricky, Eric and Danny don't stop smooching!

Everyone always says that they remember their first kiss. But what most people forget to mention is that one of the reasons they remember, it's a wacky comedy of errors. Be that as it may, the extra-cuddle guys behind 1997's Keep On CD, featuring "Up and Down"- No Authority babes Eric Stretch, Ricky Felix and Danny Zavtsky (their pal Joshua Keaton decided to break from the band in August)- were more than willing to share their first-kis expericences with Bop.

a birthday bash

Accoding to Eric, the hottie who loves to party, his first kiss was a day to remember for more than one reason. "It was my 14th birthday," the party boy remembers. "We planned it out. We were like, 'Well, if you'll do it, I'll do it."

And the indecision didn't end there. After Eric and his unnamed gal-pal agreed that they wanted to kiss, neither could decide who was going to make the first move! "We were like, 'Well if you start, I'll finish,'" Eric, now 18, laughs. "So we took a walk up the hill behind the house and we did it and then we just started laughing.

a shaky smooch

Things were a bit more serious for 16-year-old surfer boy Danny, who says his first kiss was no laughing matter. "I think I was like 10 or 11," Danny tells us. "I was like at one of my sister's friend's parties and we played Spin the Bottle."

Tht tricky Spin the Bottle gets 'em every time, but Danny says it was a nerve-racking experience when the bottle spun his way. "I was nervous," the cutie admits. "It was like we had to go into the bathroom. She was like, 'So do you want to kiss or not?'" Danny assured us that the kissing situation has improved for him in recent years. And now that he's much older, getting smoochy with the ladies no longer makes him nervous.

a kiss of commitment

Finally, there's 17-year-old babe Ricky, who should be nicknamed "Slick Ric" because he says he has been a smooth operator with the girlies since he was a little tyke. Ricky tells Bop that his first kiss was with a much older woman, "I was in preschool," he smiles, "and she was in second grade."

Even though Ricky says he doens't remember the details, he says one thing's for sure: He was down for commitment even back then. He and his first-kiss recipient were an item for quite a while. "I think [it lasted] until I was in second grade," he reveals to Bop in amazement.

Now that these guys have had a few years to practive, surely their kissing techniques have improved. And if Eric, Danny and Ricky kiss as well as they sing, they certainly won't have any more kissing traumas!