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Hello Kitty Kat

"Say hello before you say goodbye"

New album "MACHINA/the machines of God" released 28.2.00
Last Updated: 9th October 2000
Due to my hectic schedule, this page won't be updated in the near future.

member of the smashing pumpkins internet fan club

Main Menu Page

Site active since: 9th October 1999

ATTENTION: This is not an official The Smashing Pumpkins Site. It's a Pumpkins Fan Site. The author of the site is in no way connected with The Smashing Pumpkins etc.
ACHTUNG: Dies ist keine offizielle The Smashing Pumpkins-Seite. Es ist eine Pumpkins-Fan-Seite. Der Ersteller dieser Seite steht in keiner Verbindung zur The Smashing Pumpkins etc.
Note: All ads for companies, products etc are just placed here to show what is available. I may get some commission from some of them, but do not have any responsibility for what they do with their customers etc...