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Lake Constance/Bodensee
Church / Muenster
Official Building / staatliches Gebaeude
Roof View
View from my room / Blick von meinem Zimmer
Holiday Houses / Ferienhaeuser
Lake Constance / Bodensee
Lake Constance / Bodensee
Radolfzell is situated very close to Germany's border with Switzerland. Because it lies on Lake Constance it is a very popular holiday destination for Germans and other Europeans. Many large holiday houses line the lake as you head out of town to the east. As you head out of town to the west, you enter a light industrial type area. Radolfzell is a gorgeous and quaint village, but one can't help but notice its modern influences. History:
826 - founded by Bishop Radolf of Verona
1267 - declared a city Facts:
Inhabitants - 29,000
Situated on Lake Constance (Bodensee), Germany's largest lake.
Constance (Konstanz) and Singen are the two nearest large settlements. Church 'Unserer Lieben Frau':
height of spire = 75.00m
length = 56.00m
Features paintings of the 12 stages of Christ's journey.

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Page created: 1st November 1999