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Faraway, So Close!

Last Update - 9th October 2000
Due to my current hectic schedule, I won't be updating this site in the near future.

"Just the bang and the clatter
As an angel hits the ground"

Interesting U2 Articles - 1 English & 1 German at the moment
U2 & other surveys
U2 Quotes
Some Songs 'Auf Deutsch'
Cool U2 site with list of German-speaking U2 Fans

U2 Store

Member of...

The Australia & NZ U2 Webring

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Site active since: 9th October 1999

ATTENTION: This is not an official U2 Site. It's a U2 Fan Site.
The author of the site is in no way connected with U2, Island Records etc.
ACHTUNG: Dies ist keine offizielle U2-Seite. Es ist eine U2-Fan-Seite.
Der Ersteller dieser Seite steht in keiner Verbindung zu U2, Island Records etc.
Note: All ads for companies, products etc are just placed here to show what is available. I may get some commission from some of them, but do not have any responsibility for what they do with their customers etc...