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U2 Quotes

a : "Most interesting question asked recently by a fan?"
Bono : "Have you seen Bono?"
'Propaganda' Issue 27, '97 B.P.Fallon : What do you plan to do after the tour ends?
EDGE : I have no idea, get depressed....get a life.
LARRY : Sleep.
ADAM : Settle down, have, I'm not going to do that! I'm going to live in New York for a bit because I think after being turned on to Zoo TV I need the same level of stimulation.
BONO : Extend the tour...reality isn't what it's cracked up to be. Edge : Our attention span is probably quite limited Interview w/ Carter Alan, Jul 3 '93 Edge : (laughs) It is a strange one because being in your hometown you don't go to the hotel. Hotels are what does make sense when you're on the road; your house doesn't because there's no room service. Towels that you left on the floor in the morning are still there at night! (everyone laughs) This time I think I'm going to check into a hotel after the show! (laughs) Interview w/ Carter Alan, Jul 3 '93 Bono : "Maybe that's why we keep shifting ground, to stay out of our depth.'" Independent Online: 31 Dec '97 Bono : "I think one of the things I found difficult in the eighties was this din of voices telling me `You can't fly, arsehole'. But that's the kind of thinking that results in restrained, reasonable music." Independent Online: 31 Dec '97 Bono : "I love to write, and that's what I'd do if I couldn't still perform." Independent Online: 31 Dec '97 Bono : "I'm the most likely to say what I'm thinking and lose it. But Larry is the what can I say about Larry..he started the group and polices it in an interesting way and Adam is the conscience in an odd way." 'Dazed & Confused' '97 Q : "How did you choose what to include (on the Best Of album)?"
The Edge : "There's about fifteen moments that crystalized. Fifteen songs that have, ten years later, actually stood the test of time." 'About Sweetest Thing and Greatest Hits...' Interview, Oct 22 '98 Are you nervous before going on stage to thousands of people?
THE EDGE : "We get worried. And then blind panic sets in and stays with you until you actually set foot on stage and then you just get completely intoxicated by the reception of the audience and you're fine." Across the Line Interview So how do you unwind after the show?
BONO : "I ask myself that question every night: 'what am I going to do tonight to climb down?' Some nights you don't bother, you just surf on it. That's what we did last night. But tonight, I'm not going to. Tonight I'm going to go to bed, cover my head, go to sleep and not get up till Monday." Across the Line Interview Edge : "The good thing about this band is that we started out as mates and we still are. We actually see quite a lot of each other when we are on the road in more social situations. We go out to clubs or whatever. It becomes a kind of a family when you are on the road and you end up doing a lot of things with other members of the band or with members of the crew that you particulary seem to klick with. It seems to get you through it. Itīs like a small village that travels around." MAX Interview The Edge : "Well, it's just the sound as a whole, I think techno is the sound of Europe. I was always interested in industrial music and, in a sense, this is where it's gone to. I'm a minimalist at heart so I love the stripped-down sense of it all." Muse Interview Bono : "In Tokyo, I learned about one really important innovation - girl's music. Girls always play the best party music, always. They know what to put on, they're intuitive. They knowwhat's going on in the room, they know where people need to go and they have no rules about particular tracks or styles. They play what works and they play what inspires." Muse Interview Bono : "I guess people think the lemon has been keeping us company." Interview w/ J. Freedom du Lac, 15 Jun, '97 THE EDGE : "The one member of the band who believed we could get somewhere was Adam. He was always talking in terms of record deals, making albums and being on the road. To us that was a joke, but by 1980 we all recognized there was something happening. We didn't understand it for a while. You can call it chemistry, because there is no way to describe what it is when a particular group of musicians is playing together and you get the feeling that there is something special there. There was some kind of spark present when the four of us played together." Guitar World, Jan '99 Ali : "It can be really difficult to readjust to having someone living back in the house. I can't help thinking, 'What are you doing in my bed?' or 'What are you doing in my bathroom?' or 'Why are you leaving your clothes all over my house?' Bono always says that he feels like a bit of litter around the house, that I just want to tidy him away." ' In The Name Of Love' Interview
Created : 20th October 1999

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