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Opportunities for Activism in Portland, Oregon

Opportunities for Activism in Portland, Oregon and across the nation!

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Upcoming PDX Peace Events & Meetings
Activism Newsletter!

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"In Russia, in China, and here...  very mediocre people
have the power to end life altogether."
                      Saul Bellow             add events to Calendar

 Neighborhood Calendar of Events
W/NW Events:, SW, North, Inner NE, Central NE, SE, East, Lloyd District , Citywide Neighborhood, All Neighborhood

Opportunities for Activism in Portland, Oregon  

Even More Activism   Contact Elected Officials

Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE  (more info)

Monday, April 20 - Lincoln City
Lincoln City
Cultural Center
540 NE Hwy 101
Lincoln City
5:30 to 8 p.m.

Tuesday, April 21 - Portland  Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
Portland Community College
-Cascade Campus
Auditorium, Moriarty Building
705 N. Killingsworth Street
6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Tuesday evening, April 21, PCC Cascade Campus is hosting a special traveling session of the Oregon Legislature’s Joint Ways & Means Committee

The 4th Annual Civic Engagement Awards   The Ace Hotel, Portland, Oregon   April 23, 2009

Thursday, April 23 - Salem   Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
Oregon State Capitol
Hearing Room F
900 Court Street NE
5:30 to 8 p.m.
Including Hood River via video link 

Saturday, April 25 - Pendleton   Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
Pendleton Oregon National Guard Armory
2100 N.W. 56th Drive
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Saturday, April 25 - Ontario   Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
Ontario Treasure Valley Community College

650 College Boulevard
3 to 5 p.m.

Wednesday, April 29 - Bend   Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
Central Oregon Community College
, Bend
Cascades Hall Room 117
5:30 to 8 p.m. 

Thursday, April 30 - Ashland   Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
Southern Oregon University, Ashland
Rogue River Room
Stevenson Union
1250 Siskiyou Boulevard
5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday, May 1 - Eugene  Oregon Civil Rights PUBLIC HEARING
University of Oregon, Eugene
Prince Lucien Campbell Hall (PLC 180)
1415 Kincaid Street
1 to 4 p.m.


Archbishop TutuDesmond Tutu

to visit Portland

in May

If you are interested in buying a ticket,
visit the EMO Website for information.

As part of the University of Portland lecture series, Archbishop Tutu will be speaking at the Chiles Center on May 4 at 6:30 p.m.  His topic is "The Transformative Power of Reconciliation in Society."  Tickets are available from for $20 (plus their service charge, I'm sure).   Cami
Mark your calendars--the JwJ Annual Dinner and Celebration has been set for Saturday, May 16!

Voices of the Peace-Builders:  From Roots to Reconciliation / May 23 – June 5, 2009
This delegation, co-sponsored by the National Peace Foundation, will explore Palestinian and Israeli efforts to achieve peace and a resolution to their conflict based on justice.  The delegation will feature meetings with Palestinian and Israeli peacemakers – leaders of civil society groups, grassroots organizers, religious leaders and more.  May also marks the annual recognition of Israel’s independence and the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe) and the birth of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  A special emphasis will include meetings and tours addressing this history. Click here for application information.

PDX 9/11 TRUTH ALLIANCE Portland, Oregon    | WEDNESDAYS 7PM | LAUGHING HORSE BOOKS  12 NE 10th AVE AT BURNSIDE | 502 287 3473   weekly "meet-ups" speakers, video, audio and discussion

  Jobs With Justice Update      War-Mongering must end...   Oregon Street Talk      Multicultural Center's Calendar

Scholarships! available in November and December 2008, plus more opportunities to apply

The Grinch Party took place on December 6th, at 7pm, in The Metanoia Peace House, at 2116 NE 18th We elected the Grinch of the year!  Here are some photos!  

Online chess

click to learn more. We should support our troops by bringing them home. The misuse of our troops to enforce no-bid, cost-plus contracts is bad for America. It's time for accountability. We must rebid, redeploy, and prosecute war profiteers. We can make a difference.

       Free Progressive stickers  (use ML-1400 MACO or Avery 5162)             
 Sign up for  Newsletter

 Activism / / Alternative News / Freedom / Human Rights / Issues / Jewish Activism / Peace news / Portland Peace Portal / Unions / Portland Peace March / Peace News   Peace Portal / Portland Rally / Portal / Peace:/ local, and global resources for peace / JWJ Updates and Alerts / Links to Ideas /

  Act   Activism   Alternatives   Breaking News   Critical Issues   Support UNIONS   Jobs With Justice:  Turn up the Heat 
JWJ Organizing  JWJ Update  Join Local 2277  Links  Union Bashing  Union Trends   Where to go from here?   Archives
WRITER'S CALENDAR for the Pacific Northwest ...  
Eugene Oregon Peace Events
Ongoing: Cities for Peace  
Ongoing: Cities and States for Impeachment

Portland Peak Oil: Local resources       EVENT CALENDARS 

Get Active with !
Onward Oregon Portal

Events Coming up!     politics,   SearchWe Can Do Better - The Archimedes Movement

 2007 Events and Opportunities in Portland, Oregon   Daily News!   Get Active...    Visit TWSC Blog to express your opinion...    Organization makes a difference...     Volunteer...  Examine Critical Issues, War & Peace,   Creative Writing, Humor, & Social Commentary, in The Wordsmith Collection  Who's on first, Where we going?  Wisdom, Blues, Jazz, Poetry, Art, & stuff... Free choice

Alliance Calendar    AFSCME Calendar      Calendar of Events — PCASC        Java Colleen's Eclectic Activism

Jobs  With Justice   KBOO FM Community Calendar     Politics     Portland Indymedia Calendar    Social Justice  

                        Post-Rovian dialogue:  "It's a question of values."   Portland Progressive links Removing Bush

The Portland Alliance Progressive Directory     Spiritual Discussion and Resource Pages      Bookmark this Page

Tanya Zumach Activism Newsletter  Code Pink     Center for Intercultural Organizing 
Conflict Resolution at PSU     Flying Focus Video Collective       Laughing Horse Books
Oregon PeaceWorks   Peace and Conflict Studies Consortium
Philosopher Seed    
Portland Community Media
        Portland Indymedia    
 The Wordsmith Collection

Activist/Organizing Tools and Information <<back to index>>

Regular anti-war events in Portland

if your event time changes, email 

every Sunday
Hillsdale Peace March - meet at 3:00 in parking lot across from Nature's on SW Capital Highway
Hollywood Peace Vigil - 4:00 at NE 42nd & Sandy Public Outdoor Candlelight Peace Vigil -6:30 to 7:00 PM at the Peace Plaza, NE 18th Ave and Tillamook Street.
Mt. Tabor - Montavilla Peace Walk - 5:30 at the top of Mt. Tabor! (updated time as of 4/17/03)
every Thursday
Belmont Protest - 4:00 at SE 34th & Belmont (in front of Stumptown Cafe)
Division St. Protest - 4:00 at Clinton Park
Buddhas Not Bombs Meditation Vigil - Noon in Peace Plaza in South Park Blocks
Free Peace Party! Open Mike Poetry Against War--Every Thursday from April through June - 7:00pm
every Friday
PPRC rally & march - 5:00 in Pioneer Square
Critical Mass! - 6:00 @ NW Park & Couch (North Park Blocks)
every Saturday
Hawthorne Peace Vigil - 7:00- 8:00 p.m. in front of the Bagdad Cafe (3702 SE Hawthorne)
new calendar for peace/anti-war events

TheDemocracyCenter Interesting stuff on ballot measures
IGC Internet's Progressive Gateway
Benton Foundation Activist Toolkit
NetAction Virtual Activist Training Guide
TechSoup An incredible resource list for software, hardware, consultants, strategies, etc.
Npower NPower's mission is helping other non-profits use technology to better serve their communities.
TechRocks Foundation-funded organization that works with non-profits to develop e-advocacy campaigns
NTEN: The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network A membership and advocacy organization for people who work in non-profit technology
Linc Project A capacity building program nonprofits that work with low income housing groups. The site includes an excellent technology toolkit.
The Progressive Technology Project (PTP) Seeks to build stronger grassroots organizations by exploring and supporting the effective use of information technology.
Foundation Center Look for technology funding!
Technology Affinity Group Group of people that work in non-profit technology
Non-Profit Express News and information on non-profit and philanthropy. Has a great tech section mostly focused on the application of Internet technologies
COMM-ORG: The On-Line
Conference on Community Organizing and Development Discussions, white papers, resources and site tools for community organizing
Project Alchemy's CTSI Training Docs A very thorough group of documents that focus on technology assessment and planning process, and using e-mail and the Web to communicate, collaborate, and organize.
Organizer's Collaborative Big ol' list of links to organizing info
Independent Sector To promote, strengthen, and advance the nonprofit and philanthropic community to foster private initiative for the public good
Back-End Open Source Content Management System, with built in eAdvocacy
modules. A built in ePetition, eAction (fax/email), events
calendar & bibliography.

Oregon Democrats Calendar A Message From Joe Biden  Oil Prices

Bush/Cheney Policy of Arrogance is dangerous

 American Civil Liberties Union: Don't Spy On Me     Big Brother
   The Minimum Wage: What needs to be done. is NOT a union friendly site!
Wiretapping, torture, secret prisons, preemptive aggression, & situational ethics...  Stay the course?
On Human Rights and Dignity Are we better off after six years?        new-sign.gif - (7K) The Reading List!
Political Crimes, Rendition, Torture, and worse...
Corruption, Incompetence, Illegal Spying, Shame, and Smears...
The Gathering visit the  Federation website for instant access.  Inside you'll read AFT-Oregon's endorsements for the primary and  PCCFF's bold decision to support an opponent of Kulongoski. Also, read about racism at a Japanese University and learn what went down at the annual convention. Alan Cordle  Publicist
Take Action:  Demand Answers on
Illegal Domestic Spying

Tell your Representative in Congress you want some answers -- under oath -- about the telecom companies' cooperation with the NSA's illegal domestic wiretapping program. 

Alternative News

photo gallery

More Events Coming up!


Act   Activism   Alternatives   Breaking News   Critical Issues   Support UNIONS   Jobs With Justice:  Turn up the Heat   JWJ Organizing  JWJ Update  Join Local 2277  Links  Union Bashing  Union Trends  Where to go from here?  Archives

WRITER'S CALENDAR for the Pacific Northwest ...   Eugene Oregon Peace Events

Ongoing: Strike Support for IAM Workers on a ULP Strike at Cummins Northwest since July 6. Stop by any time from 7am to 5pm, Swan Island at corner of Channel & Basin, across from McDonalds. IAM Hotline: 503-239-4800
Ongoing: Cities for Peace   
Ongoing: Cities and States for Impeachment

Portland Peak Oil: Local resources       EVENT CALENDARS


         Alliance Calendar    AFSCME Calendar      Calendar of Events — PCASC        Java Colleen's Eclectic Activism
  Jobs  Jobs With Justice   KBOO FM Community Calendar     Politics     Portland Indymedia Calendar    Social Justice   
"In Russia, in China, and here...
very mediocre people have the power to end life altogether."
Saul Bellow
What happened to the nation that never tortured? The nation that wasn't supposed to start wars of choice? The nation that respected human rights and life? A nation that from the beginning was against tyranny? Where have we gone? How did we let these people take us there? How did we let them fool us?  Molly Ivins 

    Active  Resource      Calendar for Activism
                Jobs With Justice: is Turning up the Heat!

                   You play a vital role in the tasks ahead, together we make a difference!
Active Resource Blog 

  1. Write a letter to the editor, get active!    Critical Issues, Daily News, Essential Ideas
  2. Sign the Voters Pledge:
    • "I will not vote for or support any candidate for Congress or President who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and preventing any future war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign." 
  3. Stop the War! Get involved with these groups working to end the war on Iraq:
    Active Resource for Social Change,,  Voters for Peace, Code Pink 4 Peace, United for Peace & Justice, Jobs With Justice, 
  4. Ignore the mainstream media, and get your news here:   Air America Radio, Alternet, Buzz Flash, Common Dreams, Democracy Now, In These Times, and Truthout.
  5. Register to vote at Declare Yourself.
  6. Join
 International Peace Resource Center (I P R C)    Newsletter
The Must-Do List Download Flyer for March 18 Anti-War Rally  
Please visit 
The website is an organizing tool for Portland area peace activists.    Please Visit Their Site and lend your support!   
       President Barack Obama
activeresource   Barack Obama   Portland Peace Portal     Activism Calendar for Portland Oregon

The Wordsmith Collection     Wireless Access     Alternative News Resource     Coffee in Portland!

Staying the course is no longer an option
