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Resources for University Women!

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Visit the Feminist Majority Page...Activism Resources  Actionable Items!
Anarcha-Feminism - Webpage resource about anarchist feminism, provides texts, links
                                      and resources related to Emma Goldman.

3rd WWWave - Feminism for the next millennium
4CollegeWomen  Health Information Resources for College Women
Against the Current - Solidarity socialist/feminist  organization publication.
Feminist Theory Website  Ethnic and National Feminisms, Individual. English Francais. Espanol. Awards:
                                                          Womyn's Network Feminist Site Award © C D D C at Virginia Tech

Career Center & Internet Resources Portland State University Career Center
Feminist Activist Resources on the Net  Free Web Building Help
History of Women's Rights Internet Resources:  Women Studies
National Women's Health Center National Women's History Project
Rock Creek Campus Women's Resource Center (PCC) Sylvania Campus Women's Resource Center at PCC
Take Back the Net! Take Back the Night NOW
University of Montana Women's Studies Women's Resources and Links
Women's Community on the Web Women's Studies Association
Women's Studies Depts. (U of M)  Women's Studies

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