Energy: -21 Psychic Energy -3 Double Coloress Energy Pokemon: -4 Dratini -4 Dragonair -4 Jynx -3 Mewto -3 Abra -2 Kadabra -1 Alakazam Trainers: -4 Energy Removal -3 Super Energy Removal -2 Poke' Breeder -2 Comp. Search -2 Professor Oak -2 Gust of Wind You're probably thinking why this deck is so wonderful. With a good stragety behind it, you've got more than wonders. You have a Mystical Massacre! The main objective of this deck is to remove energy, and blow some descent hits. The most important pokemon is Dragonair. I try to remove a bunch of energy from the defender with energy removals and top it off with Hyper Beams so he can't attack each time I do Hyper Beam. Let's say you have Charizard with four energy. Lay an Energy Removal and do Hyper Beam the rest of the time! He's dead! Jynx can do a good job too. Place her on the bench while fighting with another pokemon and finally meditate for a big blow of pain! Mewto can and buy time and work up on people who build up a lot of energy. Kadabra is great for attacking. Alakazam has a descent attack, but is mainly for the pokemon power. I use a certain plan while playing. Every time I try to pull out a Dragonair out as quick as possible with traders and searches. If that's not possible, I work on Jynx, Mewto, and Kadabra. Alakazam should be your last resort. There are no Bill because I don't need two extra cards a turn. I use Pro.Oak for the whole enchilada. If you have an Abra on your bench after one of your pokemon dies, pull him out and retreat him after you pick out a card from your deck. You could get a good basic pokemon from your deck. Lastly, I use gust if wind to pull in a bad pokemon or just to waste thier energy if they want to retreat.