uberkarnies***one of the best bands to ever walk the life of a gypsy
UBL***the ultimate band list... every band to ever exist has a site listed here. This is where I found cool sites for RIDE
newgrounds***oh, newgrounds! now this is a really good one! there's billions of little games and cartoons on this. you can make brittney's breasts bigger, play the jackoff game, or listen to a foreign guy threaten to kill someone who kicked his dog. Seriously, go to this site!
popex.com***this is a music stocks game where you get $5000 and buy shares in artists. If they go on top of the pops, you get more dough. If they get caught snorting coke, their Cd sales go up, but the value goes down. Really it is fun but you can get sucked into it forever.
rock is evil ***here's a site all about the evils in rock n' roll. They even reveal -gasp!- that some songs have satanic connotations. Best of all they have an extensive range in backmasking clips you always wanted to hear like Robert Plant saying "Satan's really lord and you're a wussy".
paul is dead*** oh this guy is such a dork. it's all about the conspiracy of Paul Mc Cartneys alleged death in 1966. It's filled with pics and audio/visual 'clues' for drug addled students to ponder over.
kiss this guy ***yes here's a site for popular misheard lyrics, like ccr's there's a bathroom on the right.
wu-tang name generator***-Hilarious!!! you type in your name, and it tells you what your wu-tang name would be. for example: Liam Gallagher=Womanly Panther, Damon Albarn=Usthmantic Enemy of God. Great!!!!
liam vs. robbie***- a bastardized version of mortal combat featuring robbie williams and liam gallagher
rap dictionary***- this explains to you what a skeezer is and what bozack means.
blur comics***-exactly that cartoons of blur doing things like fighting over pants found on the floor and such...
stick death.com***heh, cartoons of stick men being killed in different circumstances, you can even send greeting cards of them
cook my sock***absolutely one of the best things I've evr seen on the web. I literally was crying from laughing so hard, and I almost pissed in my pants!! I don't want to explain the site, 'cos I can't ruin the surprise for you, just go! now!!
SUV taggers***a group who goes out and tags SUV's with bumper stickers
hats of meat***bologna cowboy hats and petit filet sun visors, yum raw meat headwear
useless sites***this is where I found the previous 3 links, great collection off hilarious and fucked up sites like internet porn without the porn pics and so on...
bored.com***lots of fun stuff