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November 9, 2000
On Tuesday, N SYNC was on for full hour on The Rosie O'Donnell show and Justin was asked the question "Is it true that you and Britney Spears are dating?" He answered so cute-ly too!!! was "Yeah" with this little smile on his face:) Now, knowing Rosie, she didn't pry and she left it at that, but like many of you, I would like to know for how long they have been dating???
In the YM magazine with Jessica Simpson on the cover, there are a bunch of little pictures and comments on Britney at the 2000 MTV VMA's.
Britney's pairing up with her mom again! The duo is teaming up again for a new book, a story for Mother's Day. This is the second book written by the pop princess and her mother. The first, Britney Spears' Heart to Heart sold 14,295 copies in the past six months according to sales data from Barnes & Noble and B. Dalston stores. The Mother's Day book is expected out in May of 2001.
September 28, 2000
As well as Christina Aguilera, Britney also had a very suprising act at the 2000 MTV Video Music Awards where she sang her cover song of The Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" and her #1 smash hit "Opps!...I Did It Again". The surprise wasn't the choice of song though, it was the dancing. The fashion was fine with me, but the flingin' and shakin' and twisting was somethin' else. But, we all love Britney and this is just another reason for why we should. She's got CONFIDENCE! Also, I think she's also got a tatoo! If you taped the awards show (Like I did *S*), you'll see a little black something or other on the small of her back. Check it out!
Britney is on the cover is the October issues of Twist and ELLE magazine. In both, the columnists talk about and quote on Britney's relationship with Justin Timberlake of N SYNC. We all knew they were going out anyways!!!:) And now they admit they are... and it's about time! Justin was Britney's very first kiss...AWWWWW!!!
July 1, 2000
It's ROCK ON SISTERS!!! first Birthday today! (As well as Canada Day, Happy 133rd B-Day!) Britney's single 'Opps!...I Did It Again' was number one again this week on the Rick Dees Top 40 Count Down. Rick let his listeners know today that Britney and *N SYNC shot a McDonald's commercial while the boys were in Vancouver for their June 14th show. That should be entertaining:) I hope to be seeing it soon. Ms. Spears hit Canada once again!! Britney visited MuchMusic last week for an hour long interview. Britney assured interviewer Rick The Temp that Justin and her are NOT dating, but they did kiss once last year. Last year??? That really wasn't that long ago was it, Hmmm.......
June 20, 2000
Congrats Ms. Spears for selling 1.3 million copies of your second CD 'Opps!...I Did It Again'. Also, ROS!!! is proud to say that the first single off the album, Opps!...IDIA, was number one on The Rick Dees Weekly Top 40 Countdown on the weekend of June17/18.
June 9, 2000
Did ya'll catch the Fox Special "Britney in Hawaii"??? It was mighty good! It was nice to meet some of her friends, they seemed very nice. ROCK ON SISTERS!!! would like to apologize to all those Britney fans out there. I haven't been updating as much as I should be. BUT, once school ends I will try harder. So, here's some news about Britney's head injury. A light fell off a pole that was hanging over head Britney while filming her lastest video 'Opps!...I Did It Again'. A doctor was called to the set, examined Spears, and ended up giving her four stitches. She's alright now:)
May 1, 2000
Britney's newest single "Opps! I did it again" is blowin' up the charts! Her new album titled the same as the single will be out on May 16th. Her book, 'Britney Spears' Heart to Heart' writen by her and her Mom Lynne Spears is available in stores on May 9th. Check out Teen People's June/July 2000 issue to see exclusive photos from the book. Also, 10 lucky winners will take home an autographed copy of the book. Check the magazine out for details!
Fecruary 26, 2000
Britney looked great at the Grammy's! Her dress covered all major parts of her body (Unlike at the AMA's!!), and she sang beautifully too. It's now official that Britney and Prince William are dating. She has also recently bought a 7 bedroom home with a tennis court, and swimming pool to...get this 'hang out in'. Lucky girl!!!!
December 17, 1999
Britney's debut album ' one more time' has gone diamond in Canada as of December 17. This Sister is also Canada's Top Selling artist in Canada right now! Britney is right now resting at her home in Kentwood recovering from getting her wisdom teeth pulled out. OUCH!!! Today (Dec. 17) she had a phone interview with Muchmusic VJ Rick 'The Temp' and told him that she just got a new puppy yesterday. It's a Yorkser Terrior, SO CUTE! She also told Rick that although she doesn't believe in New Year's resolutions, she's gonna TRY to stop biting her nails:) So, fans...if you see her doing it, tell her to stop!!:)
December 14, 1999
Britney's newest single 'From The Bottom Of My Boken Heart' will debut on MuchMusic on Dec 17 during Combet Des Clips. It's suposed to be steller!

