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to Rosa's Award Site

If I may, I speak for everyone when I say that this Friendship Award was created especially for our very dear friend, Rosamary, who is most deserving of it.

Although I would love to consider Rosa my very dearest and most special friend, in all honesty, I know that, throughout her years upon this earth, Rosa has befriended a multitude of others, placed us all within her heart; at times, carried us under her wing; and generously offered her time, love, and devotion without a motive, and for purely unselfish reasons. I wouldn't have it any other way, for this makes you our Rosamary.

God has blessed you, Rosa, for you are truly loved.

A Friend

1999 AV Painting Awards

2000 AV Painting Awards

Please feel free to visit the other rooms in Rosa's Place:

Home Awards
Dining Room Fireplace

"Man, I Feel Like A Woman"