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New Fights

Gogeta VS Odin

Gogeta snuck attack Odin and used sayin deth touch. uh oh! it missed! Odin tured around and punched Gogeta and he was knocked down. He said "Your pretty good but im better!" Odin drove his elbow straight at Gogeta. Gogeta dodged and odin elbow was stuck in the cliff! Gogeta used an energy attack and blasted odins elbow free and said "i dont wanna win on technacality!" The two started punching kicking and doging. Gogeta laid one into odin and odin was knocked down and gogeta used big bang attack! It was all over but the cryin!!!
Gogeta gets +500 pl and 40 zeni.
Odin is now in hell.

Piccolo vs. Yamecha

Piccolo was quietly taking a nap when he sensed a weak force. "Nah, thats not enough power to get up." So Piccolo went back to sleep. Little did he know, that weak force was Yamecha. Yamecha was really pissed off because he couldn't fight in a tournament because of his weakness. He saw Piccolo lying under a tree and decided to test his strength and show to himself that he wasn't a weakling. He knew Piccolo was a very strong Namek, but he didn't care. He walked up to Piccolo quietly and used his telekinetic freeze which froze time. Next he used his telekinetic blast and hit Piccolo dead on. Piccolo woke up from his nap and said, "Oh, hi Yamecha. Thanks for waking me up from my nap." Yamecha was pissed at him. Making a fool of him like that. He then used his bukujutso but Piccolo steped out of the way. "Whatcha tryin to do Yamecha, defaet me. Don't make me laugh." As soon as Piccolo said his remark, he punched Yamecha in the face and knocked him into a tree. "Ow! You little son of a *****. I'll get you for this." Yamecha jumped at Piccolo but Piccolo teleported behind him and kneed him in the back. Yamecha fell over and said he surrendered. Piccolo, being the nice Namek he is, said, "Fine, I'll let you go this time Yamecha. If I ever catch you around here again, I'll kill you." "Oh thank you Piccolo. I'll never bother you again." Piccolo turned away and started to walk away when Yamecha rushed at him and tackeled him. Then Yamecha started beating Piccolo up with a an array of punches. Piccolo started to laugh and then he said, "You fool. You could have lived, but now you will die." Piccolo threw Yamecha off of him and chraged his kamehameha a little bit t sting him. He threw his kamehameha at Yamecha and Yamecha was blown to bits. "Geez, I didn't think I was that powerful. Or maybe he was just more of a weakling than I thought. Oh well, either way, he's dead." And with that said, Piccolo walked over to his tiny parts and found some Zeni lying on the ground. "He won't be needing this where hes going." Piccolo walks away laughing an evil laugh.
Piccolo gets 3,644 pl and 395 Zeni.
Yamecha is in Hell.

Gogeta vs. Gohan

Gogeta was looking for a fight. He wanted to raise his pl so that he could eventually rule the universe. He was flying around sensing weak people when he sensed a not so weak person, Gohan. He flew down and saw that Gohan was training on his own. He said, "Hey you, wanna fight." Gohan replied, "Sure, I wanna try out my new form on you." Gogeta rushed in with a kick to Gohan's face. Gohan was still standing. Then Gogeta used his renzoku energy dan which hit Gohan. Gohan was badly hurt, but he kept coming back for more. Gogeta was about to puch Gohan in the face, when Gohan used teleknetic freeze and froze time. He moved out of the way and used final flash on Gogeta. Gogeta was blinded for a minute. Gohan kicked Gogeta in the stomach, then he puched him in the face and Gogeta flew upward. Gohan then elbowed Gogeta to the ground. Gogeta was pretty messed up now, but he had a trick up his sleeve. Gohan came toward him and Gogeta used final flash and blinded Gohan. Then Gogeta used his death ball and hit Gohan in the chest. Gohan flew backward and was knocked out cold.
Gogeta got 500 pl and 150 Zeni.
Gohan was sent to Hell.

Gogeta VS Vegeta
Team Wanted Warriors where looking for a person to sneak attack. When they saw the perfect person walking the opposite direction from them. Vegeta! Gogeta and XX snuk up behind him. They both used sayin death touch. XX's missed but Gogeta's hit right on the dot.
Gogeta got 5,125 pl and 375 Zeni.
Vegeta was sent to Hell.

Gogeta VS Frieza
Gogeta X and XX were looking for a nice battle. Gogeta read a fair pl on his scouter and said "Easy win!" They took em on face to face. X used all 3 of his transformations and his pl was 36,000. XX got ready bye teleporting behind frieza and using sayin death touch but it missed. Frieza drove his elbow backwards right into XX's stomach. XX was knocked out but not dead! Gogeta used final flash and blinded him. While X beat the crap out of him. After X was done Gogeta used death ball! All that was left was a crater!!!
Gogeta got 3,125 pl and 425 Zeni.
Frieza was sent to Hell.

Gogeta VS Prince Choauz
gogeta is again looking for a fight. He spotts a weakling. Ah it Choauz. He comes down from flying and lands behind him. Choauz hears him and turns around. Go Gogeta he stuttered out my your a lot stronger. If your looking for a fight then im not your man. I am looking for a fight and the big question is "Are you feeling lucky?!" Gogeta teleported behind him and kneed him in the back. Then Gogeta teleported in front of him punched at his nose. When his fist was about and inch away Choauz used "time freeze!" Choauz then moved out of the way. Whil Gogeta was leaned over from the leveredge Choauz drove his elbow strait into Gogeta's back! Gogeta soon got up. He screamed "you'll pay for that worm!" Choauz used "2x speed on command!" Gogeta used "Renzoku Energy Dan!" It struck Choauz down Choauz used "bukujutsu!" It hit Gogeta in the chest. They were both pretty messed up now. Gogeta said "you put up quite a fight for a worm!" Then Choauz punched Gogeta right in the stomach! Gogeta was outraged! Gogeta says "It ends now!" and with that he used big bang attack and blew Choauz to hell! Gogeta cackles eviley!
Gogeta gets 3,475 pl and 50 Zeni.
Prince Choauz is in Hell.

Goten vs. Cell Jr.

goten the newest guy is swiming around in the lake of seeing. then he saw the most uglyest thing he has ever seen! it was on of the cell jr.! thinking fast knowing that jr. was stronger he went and hided in a cave. almost out of air he flys up out of the lake and gasps for air! "oh no heres jr., what i'm i to do????" as goten thinks fast he does super kamehameha jr. put on a reflect sheild and goten hurrys and pulls it away! as jr. looks up to see what power he almost got hit with goten goes and does dragon fist and big bang at him he misses the big bang but gets hit with the dragon. jr get knock down to the ground goten flys off cocky thinking now all i have to do is tell the masters and i get a move and doubled!!! then jr gets pissed and does death ball at him its slow put POWERFUL!!!!! goten thinks "oh crap i'm a gonner!!! then at the last minute the ball goes towards the ground and hits gotens brother geoteon and gets killed!!!!! goten get out raged and goes ssj1 and beats the crap out of jr.!!!!!
Goten gets +500 pl and 100 Zeni

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