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Valuable Quest

Piccolo goes on a valuable quest-
As Piccolo was walking on Namek, he was thinking. He thought that if he got into a fight and lost, then that would be bad. He decided to get some armor to keep himself protected and help him in training. He "teleported" himself to planet New Vegeta. He then "flew" around looking for a merchant. He found a merchant and the merchant said that he could buy super sayian armor, super saiyan crest, super saiyan gloves, and super saiyan boots for 390 Zeni. Piccolo got real mad when he heard about the price, so he decided to "fly" around New Vegeta and look for someone with that gear. After a while, he found a person walking with super sayian armor, super saiyan crest, super saiyan gloves, and super saiyan boots. Piccolo thought that this guy must be rich, so he decided that this was a once in a life oppertunity, so he attacked him from behind with a "kamehameha". The blast knocked the guy down, but the guy threw a "destructo disk" at Piccolo. Piccolo "teleported" out of the way and used "2X power level on command". Before Piccolo killed the guy, Piccolo wanted him to take off his gear so they would have a true fight (not). The guy took off his gear and got ready to fight. Piccolo then "teleported" next to the guy and used "kamehameha". The guy was blasted into tiny bits and Piccolo walked away with his new gear, and his first victory.--
Piccolo gets super sayian armor, super saiyan crest, super saiyan gloves, and super saiyan boots. Also, he gets +250 pl and +500 credits. Gogeta was looking for a top o the line spaceship; when he spotted a ssj space pod w/ gravitron and rejvination tank. He thought to himself who could own that beauty?! Then this guy teleprted in front of it. I read your mind; I own it. Gogeta check his scouter 80,000!!!! Gogeta tought to himself am i that desperate? Ya i am. The guy said "You wanna fight or not?!" Gogeta replied "Fight!" X used all 3 of his transfos and his pl went to 81,735!!! The guy said your henchmen are pretty powerful but i can take u all! XXX and Gogeta both used "Final Flash!" X went over and beat the daylight out of him. He was still blind so XX teleported behind him and used sayin death touch. Ah it missed!! Gogeta just charged at The Guy in pure rage beat him up badly. He shook off his blindness finally. The Guy used a special attack. It hit X! When the smoked cleared X was still there! The guy screamed "What no way!!" XXX said "WAY" And used a "kamehameha!" --
Gogeta and his henchmen get 40,000 pl!!!! Also, they get a ssj space pod w/ gravitron and rejuvination tank (holds infinite!!!!).

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