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        Hello, I'm Sailor Saturn, and here you can apply for an award!!!!! You can chose out all of these awards!!! If you would like to apply for an award please email me and tell me which one you would like or ask me to choose!People to win one of my awards:2

        Here are the categorie's

        The best Sailor Mercury page award

        The best Sailor Mars page award

        The best Sailor Jupiter page award

        The best Sailor Venus page award

        The best Sailor Chibi Moon page award

        The best Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon page award

        The best Sailor Uranus page award

        The best Sailor Neptune page award

        The best Sailor Saturn page award

        The best Sailor Pluto page award

        The best Sailor Star lights page ward

        The best Sailor Moon Villans award

        The best Sailor Moon page award

        The best Tuxedo Mask page award

        The best Sailor Moon Fan fiction page award

        The best Sailor Moon Fan art paage award

        If you would like to add a category to the list don't be shy to e mail me!

        I can also change the text of the award so I can say it's the "best page ever" or "amazing" ever "super" or "excellent"! Send in your applications today! Please allow a 3 day waiting for the award! Thank you! Please include your name, e mail, ULR and site title.

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