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Trista/Sailor Pluto

Name: Trista Meiou

Sailor: Sailor Pluto

Birthday: October 29th

Sign: Scorpio

Age: 18-19-20 (I think)

Blood type: A

Fav.color: dark red tea eggplant

Fav.class: Physics

Least.fav.class: Music

Dreams to be a dressmaker

Hobbies: shopping

Hates: cockroach’s


Setsuna is a quiet person. Gets along with every one, she takes care of Hotaru and Chibi-Star when she needs to. She likes to sew and shop for the material. She has black hair but it shins olive green and her eyes are dark red.

She's Sailor Chibi Moon's friend, Reeny nicknamed her Puu. She helps Reeny get to the presant and then back to Crystal Tokyo. So, basicly, she's the guardian of time. She can talk to Reeny through Reeny's toy Luna-P. This info came from Lilyjupiter

Passed life:

I don’t know. If you know tell me and you know the rest.........
