"Dear Serena, Once again I leave a hint of my love for you. Each day my love grows stronger and I find it harder and harder to imagine my life without your smile. Please forgive me and have a Merry Christmas." Everyone opened their mouths to comment but. . .
"On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me. . . four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves. . . and a partridge in a pear tree."
"Uh. . .Serena? What was that?" asked a confused Rei. "What!!! You mean that you heard it to! Yes!!!!! I'm not going crazy!" shouted Serena. "What are you talking about? And as Rei said before where did that music come from." asked Lita. "Well, every time I finish the note a new verse of that song comes out of no where." explained Serena.
". . .And that, class, is how you determine the square route of one million without a calculator." concluded Mr. Willis. Serena raised her hand, "Mr. Willis, do you know who's hosting the Christmas dance this year?" He grinned that evil grin of his, "Normally I wouldn't permit such off the topic questions but since it *is* important I will tell you. This year's host is moi." "WHAT?!?!?!?" shouted the scouts. "Yes me! Do you ladies have a problem with that?" he asked. After receiving a bunch of mumbled "no sirs" he continued, "Good. Now the dance is to be held on Christmas Eve at 7pm. And just because I'm in the Christmas spirt I'm going to give you all a little surprise. . . how about a POP QUIZ!" The entire class moaned; they were seriously beginning to despise their new teacher.
"Man ‘o man! Was that quiz hard." said Ami. "Yeah, tell me about it my head still hurts. Plus if Ami says it was hard you can bet we didn't do that well." said Lita. "That well! Come on Lita! Just face the facts, if Ami says it was hard we all failed for sure!" shouted Serena. "Get a grip Meatball Head! She was only making a comment!" said Rei. Serena hung her head, " I know. I'm sorry everyone. I just don't understand it all. I mean Mr. Willis seems to have it in for me in particular. I only bumped in to him was it really that bad of an accident?" "It's okay Serena if it makes you feel any better he hates our guts too!" said Mina.
"Serena! Thank goodness I found you! I've been looking everywhere!" "Oh, hi Luna! What's the matter?" Serena asked. "Oh nothing. . . this was just left for you at home." Luna said while doing a back flip and forcing a medium sized box out of her sub-space pocket. Lita and Mina squealed, Rei and Ami gasped and Serena moaned, "Luuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa! Couldn't you of given that to me in a more private place!? Now I have to open it in front of them!" "Well then, there's no point in stalling. Look! There's an empty bench over there." said Luna. Serena sighed, walked over to the bench, sat down and opened it. Inside were five identical golden rings and a note.
"My dearest Bunny, Hello again! I gave this to your brother and I hope he minds his own business about it's contents. There is no use in asking him for I made sure that he will keep his mouth shut. I hope you like the rings." "Dang girl! He's got the hots for you!" joked Lita. "Yeah" started Mina but was cut off by. . .
"On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me. . . five golden rings, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves. . . and a partridge in a pear tree."
"Uhhhhh. . . girls? Where did that come from?" asked Luna. "Well. . .I was kinda hopin you could tell us." said Serena. "Ummmm. . . sorry?" questioned Luna. "Well if Luna doesn't know then we'll never know!" whined Mina. "Well sorry to disappoint you but if I'm not home in like ten minutes my mom will have a cow." said Serena. "What are you talking about?" asked Luna, "Your mother's never been nicer since you got the first gift. Why, she even let you off the hook about that 20% on the math test last week." Serena glared at Luna, " Well no use taking any chances." and with that she picked up Luna and started down the street to her house leaving behind bunch of confused girls.
"What was that all about?" Luna asked after they were out of hearing range and Serena had put her down. "Oh, Luna! They're just becoming *too* nosey lately. I wish they would just leave this ordeal for me to handle!" Serena shouted, earning stares for passer-byers. Luna sighed, "Serena, they're teenage girls. And you're they're friend. Of course they going to be butting in on this. Come on you'd do the same thing if this was happening to one of them." "Well. . .that's. . . different. Yeah! It's different!" Serena said. "Oh *really*." said Luna just as they reached their house. "Why hello, sweetheart." "Hi mom," Serena started solemnly, "What's for dinner?" "Well, we *do* have the makings for liver and onions." Ilkuko said but quickly finished before her daughter could protest, "But I'm not really in the mood to cook. How about pizza and ice cream. After all it would be a waste to let those coupons from ‘TCBY' go to waste." (A.N. Yes! TCBY delivers now! That's what I'm having for dinner tonight. = p) Serena brightened up immediately, "Really! Mom you're awesome!" With that she hugged her mother and ran up to her room. "That Serena, she'll never change. Oh what's this? Another one of these, eh? Look it's already open I suppose she won't mind if I took a peak." Serena's mom said picking up the box that Serena dropped and heading up to her room.
"Luuuuunnnnnaaaaa! It's gone! Where could it be!? It was here just a second ago! Luna!!!! Answer me!" shouted a frantic Serena, but instead of Luna replying. . . "Serena. Darling. You do know that Luna can't talk, right?" Serena froze. "Mooooooooom! How nice. . .to. . .ummmm. . . see you. Yeah right it's nice to see you! Anyway, what brings you *all* the way up *here*? My room isn't it? Yeah my room. What brings you all the way up here? To my room; my quaint little room. Up stairs! To my room!" she blurted out in one breath. Ilkuko just stared on in awe as to how her daughter could say so much in one breath. "Oh nothing," she started, "I just thought that you might want this back." she finished handing Serena the thing that almost gave a heart attack. "Gee thanks mom! I was going crazy looking for this thing. Now if you don't mind I'd like to have a little privacy." Serena said shoving her mom to the door. "Fine but you can expect liver and onions for dinner tomorrow ." she said on her way to the kitchen. Serena closed and locked her door. Then went to the secret compartment on the side of her bed and placed the gift with the others. "You know Luna. I think I just had a break through." said Serena. Luna stopped in her tracks, "You had a. . . a what!?" "Luna don't be so mean. Anyway, I think I've heard that voice from the song somewhere before." stated Serena. Luna's face dawned with realization, "You know, I think you may be right."
(A.N. So what do you think? I personally like the ways the story is going but I would love to here any comments you might have. Anyway, who do you think is singing the song? Have you figured out who the gift giver is yet? Did I get Serena's mom's name right? Please e-mail me!!!!!