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Mako/Sailor Jupiter

Name: Mako Kino

Sailor: Sailor Jupiter

Birthday: December 5th

Sign: Sagittarius

Age: 14-16

Blood type: O

Fav.color: green and sugar pink cherry pie none

Fav.class: home economics physics

Dreams: to open her own restaurant

Hobbies: bargain-hunting

Hates: planes

Fav.animals: horses

Boy friend: Ken

Voice done by: Susan Roman


Lita is very strong, she likes to step up to challenges (unlike Amy, she fights rather than thinks.)She loves to cook and always cares for her friends. Lita is practical minded Sailor Scout. She generally serves as a morale booster(in combat only).She has an independent and strong willed personality. She is also the tallest of all five Sailor Scouts. Lita has brown hair tied up in a pony tail that reaches the middle of her back and her eyes are green.

Passed life:

To long to tell you if you want to know what it is see the show or read the mangas.
