Name: Magoky Hiniona
Sailor: Sailor FobosDimos
Birthdate: March 23
Sign: Aries
Age: 14 (sailor stars series)
Fav.color: Red and yellow Chips and cake
Least sea food
Fav.class: History and French
Least fav.class: Gym and Japanese
Dreams: to be an idol
Hobbies: acting
Hates: show-offs
Fav.animals: Birds and lizards
Least fav.animal: Dogs(Why?????????who knows)
Boy friend: ???????????
Well Magoky is a girl who is energetic. She is foul of energy, she will do any thing to impress the boys at school. She has purple hair and green eyes. Magoky really likes her sister (Ray) but she thinks that she's to quiet and boring, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. She lives with Marioka and Crystal in a rented house. Her favourite actresses are Alicia Silverstone, Tim Allen, Robin Williams, Jim Carry and Eddy Murphy. She likes to tease Ray but sometimes embarrasses her and she hates that.
Passed life:
Magoky was born 2 years after Ray( they have the same mother) When Queen Serenity found the galaxy She tolled Queen Firerras(Ray and Magoky's mother) decided to send her there with the others. When She heard about her passed she was shocked and wanted to go to earth and she her sister So she decided to go with the others.
"Fobos Dimos Fire Blow attack" is one of her attacks!!!: She starts with her eyes shut, her arms up in the air, her legs are together then she yells "Fobos Dimos", then she spins around, then she starts to widen her legs then puts her hands on the side of her mouth, (like you see on the pic), then she yells "Fire Blow", then she blows out fire, then she put out her arms wide out on the sides then screams "ATTACK"!! Then the fire surrounds the enemy burning him/her to death!!