Name: Hotaru Tomoe
Sailor: Sailor Saturn
Birthday: January 6th
Sign: Capricorn
Age: 14-16
Blood type: AB
Fav.color: purple Japanese noodles milk
Fav.class: world History
Least.fav.class: gym
Dreams: to cure injuries
Hobbies: reading and collecting lamps
Hates: running
Good at: healing injuries
Hotaru is very shy and doesn’t have any friends but Reeny. She is very loonley and doesn’t like the treatments that her dad gives her and doesn’t like his assistant. As Sailor Saturn she is the Sailor of death. She can distroy the earth and the hole universe. She and Reeny get along very well and always play together after school. She is always in pain because of her accident. She loves collecting lamps and always dresses in black so thather scars don't show. She has short black haire and purple eyes.
Passed life: ????