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Ray/Sailor Mars

Name: Ray Hino

Saior: Sailor Mars

Birthday: April 17th

Sign: Aries

Blood type: AB

Age: 14-16

Fav.color: red and black vegetarian pizza asparagus

Fav.class: ancient writing

Least.fav.class: modern society

Dreams: to be prentesse <=(I don’t know spell it)

Hobbies: fortune telling

Hates: T.V (I hope that she is kidding)

Fav.animal: Crows

Boy friend: Chad

Voice done by: Katie Griffin


Ray is a girl who always gets her way at school everyone considers her as the "Queen". Ray has, in her opinion, the best leadership qualities of any of the Sailor Scouts. As a teenager, she gained popularity amongst those her own age. She always hated Usagi and hurt her feelings, they are always fitting, but later on she sees that Usagi ganged more courage and got stronger and changed her opinion. Ray has black hair that reaches her bum and she has purple eyes.

Passed life:

To long to explain so see the show or read the mangas.
