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Reeny/Sailor Chibi Moon

Name: Reeny Tsukino

Sailor: Sailor Chibi Moon

Birthday: June 30th

Sign: Cancer

Age: 900

Blood type: O

Fav.colors: red and pink pudding carrots

Fav.class: art

Least.fav.class: French

Dreams: to become a lady

Hobbies: drawing

Hates: watching the house

Fav.animal: bunnies


Reeny’s real name is actually Usagi, but so you don’t confuse the two she likes to be called Reeny. Reeny is a little brat and likes to bug Sarena. She get in trouble allot because of the dark moon is after her. So Sailor Moon comes to her rescue (as usual) but always cries into Tuxedo Mask arms, which makes Sarena go ballistic. Reeny likes to draw and likes to help around the house when everyone is sick.

Passed life:

She hasn’t died yet. I’m sure that she doesn’t anyway.
