Name:Sabrina Tuskio
Sailor: Sailor Moon Heart
Birthday: October 5
Sign: Libra
Age: 14(in the Sailor Stars series)
Fav.color: Blue
Fav.Food: candy
Least fav.Food: vegetables
Fav.class: Art and English
Least fav.class: everything else!
Dreams: to make her own T.V show with her drawings. Become an actrice and a famous signer!
Hobbies: Drawing, signing(sometimes) and acting in plays.
Hates: Sports
Fav.animals: Rabbits, Cats, Dogs and furry animals that are cute.
Least fav.animals: Cows, Pigs and all those ugly animals.
Boy friend: Androse
Well Sabrina is a fun loving person, she cares for every one that are down. She is not clumsy like her sister and she is happy that she isn't. All the time she sees her klutz out she laughs and asks her if she is OK. Sabrina lives with Androse(her boy friend) and her guardian bunny is Sasha, Androse is a famous singing star like the three lights. Sabrina gets along with every one but the dweebs at school they want her to join clubs and other stupid things like that. When she gets mad her hair turns flaming red and her eyes become purple. Sabrina’s older sister is Sarena!!! Her guardien bunny is Sasha. (pic comming soon)
Passed life:
Sabrina was born 2 years after Sarena, they both had the same mother. But one day Queen Serenity found a galaxy that know one lived on so she decided to send Sabrina to that galaxy with all the scouts sister that they would start a new galaxy. Her planet was called Moon Heart, it was a peaceful planet until she knew about her passed. She was so sad of what happened to the moon that the hole kingdom became sad until she heard that they servided and lived on earth and so she decided to visit her sister, but her guardians (scouts) didn't want her to go by herself so she decided that they would all go and meet their older sisters and brothers.