Name: Usagi Tsukino
Sailor: Sailor Moon
Birthday: June 30th
Sign: Cancer
Blood type: O
Age: 14-16
Fav.colors: white and pink ice cream and cakes carrots
Fav.class: home economics
Least.fav.class: Math and English
Dreams: to be a bride
Hobbies: shopping and playing video games
Hates: dentist and ghosts
Good at: brownnosing and crying
Boy friend: Mamoru
Voice done by: Tracey Moore (eps. 1-11, 15, 21, 41), Terri Hawkes (all others)
Well Usagi is very lazy, clutzy and whines allot but she is a good friend. She cares for everybody and try to make them feel better when they are down. She has allot of courage and will always protect the earth and moon from bad guys. Usagi and Minako are all most alike they help each other out and they look alike if Minako put her hair up like Usagi’s they would look alike. Usagi hair still are two odango’s on each side of her head and long pony tails stream down and she has blue eyes.
Past life:
To long to explain, read the mange or see the show!!