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Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter

Name: Seiya Kou

Sailor: Sailor Star Fighter

Birthday: July 30th

Sign: Leo

Age: 17-19 (I think)

Fav.color: ??????? hamburgers ??????????

Fav.class: gym

Least.fav.class: literature

Dreams: to find the princess (I think)

Hobbies: playing football

Hates: ?????

Girl friend: ?????(he want’s Sarena to be his girl friend)

Has trouble with: girls


Seiya is the stereotypical joke type male of the Starlight’s with a twist-he also has many feminine qualities which is to be expected as he happens to turn into a girl Starlight after his transformation. Just like Darian used to call Sarena Meatball head, Seiya calls he "Odango Atama" (literally means the same thing but in Japanese ,I think) He has black hair tied in pony tail and blue eyes. Seiya is one of the mysterious Sailor Starlight’s, Sailor Star Fighter. Seiya has developed an attraction to Sarena, which makes Amara very protective and suspicious. Seiya doesn’t seem to mind, as he flirts with Sarena day in day out. Seiya, in particular, has a practical beef with Haruka, and this is paroled with the tension between Eternal Sailor Uranus and Sailor Star Fighter.
