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Taiki/Sailor Star Maker

Name: Taiki Kou

Sailor: Sailor Star Maker

Birthday: May 30th

Sign: Gemini

Age: 17-19 (I think)

Blood type: AB

Fav.color: ?????????? Sushi ????????

Fav.class: Literature

Least.fav.class: none

Dreams: to find the princess (I think)

Hobbies: reciting poetry

Hates: ????????

Has trouble with: arguments

Girl Friend: none (Amy in my story)


Taiki is the intellectual of the group. In fact he’s in direct competition with Amy for the smartest Sailor ( Or student before the Sailor Scout find out who the Sailor Starlight’s really are). In the band the Three Lights he plays guitar and even has that oh so unique guitarist attitude. He has brown hair tied in apony tail and his eyes are purple. Taiki is and another of the mysterious Sailor Stars, Sailor Star Maker. He is very studious; he is the top of his class. A particular guy, who sees the world in purely scientific terms. The Starlight’s and the Scouts fight the badguys as how the Inner and Outer Scouts fought the Death Busters in SMS. Taiki is the tallest of all of the Sailor Starlight’s.
