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Whispering Prairiesage's Healing Balms
The Healing Circle

Wisdom of The Ancients

Wahkeeth Remembers The Great Dark

Essential Oils

Healing Messengers

Earth Medicine

Mother of Earth Medicine

Realms Of Eternity


Serenity in the Midst of the City

In the hustle of the busy modern life, the soul needs to find peace to maintain a healthy balance.

The body, mind and spirit make up the whole being. For balance and optimum health and wellness to be achieved, all aspects need to be nurtured. The body needs nutrients for energy and the ability to cleanse the toxins that cause aging and disease. The mind needs stimulation to continue a lively growth while finding a state of rest. Above all, the spirit being the foundation of the whole, needs to achieve a state of peace. For peace is truly the medicine for the soul.

Journey with us in the Healing Circle, as we explore the wisdom of the ancients and learn how our ancestors lived. Let us discover together the ancient traditions of healing that sustained civilization for thousands of years in virtual youth. Walk with us on the path back to the beginning where the secret knowledge lies hidden in the spiritual tablets of our hearts. Join us in the discovery of earth medicine and the power of our food to heal and restore us to our former state of wellness.

Celebrate life and all her joyous bounty in the basic elements of creation! Join us as we uncover the wisdom of the ancients and learn to use the healing balms of the mother.